Hopelessly Devoted To You

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Sorry for not updating in a few days - had trouble with ideas. This is set after the events of  Logan Finds Out , Falling for Who, and Drum Beats, Heart Beats, before The Rescuers. I created both  the collages and thought of making a shot when making one of them! 

Jasmine's POV

I have just broken up with my recent boyfriend - Owen - and he was a great boyfriend. I needed to move on after losing Logan twice, but after my drum lessons with Logan last week, it's got me thinking about him, but why? Why should I have feelings for him again when he doesn't even like me? But I knew I couldn't be with Owen when I still have feelings for Logan, even if he doesn't like me back. In the basement, with Lindy and Delia, we're playing music and I decide to play one of my favourites - Hopelessly Devoted To You from Grease - and Lindy gives me  a weird look, rolling her eyes. "Seriously Jaz? Another Grease song? You're obsessed!" I laugh at her comment. "Shut up"  "I wanna hear Jaz sing, she has an awesome voice!", Delia exclaims and a small smile forms on my lips. "Thanks Delia, now lets do this!" I start to play the song and try to act serious, trying not to laugh.

 "Thanks Delia, now lets do this!" I start to play the song and try to act serious, trying not to laugh

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"Guess mine is not the first heart broken

My eyes are not the first to cry

I'm not the first to know

There's just no getting over you

You know I'm just a fool who's willing

To sit around and wait for you

But, baby, can't you see

There's nothing else for me to do?

I'm hopelessly devoted to you

But now there's nowhere to hide

Since you pushed my love aside

I'm out of my head

Hopelessly devoted to you

Hopelessly devoted to you

Hopelessly devoted to you....."

Logan's POV

I walk into the basement, curious with the song playing and see Jasmine leaning against the wall, singing her heart out at one of her favourite songs - Hopelessly Devoted To You. Man, she sounds incredible.

"My head is saying, 'Fool, forget him.'

My heart is saying, "Don't let go.

Hold on till the end."

And that's what I intend to do

I'm hopelessly devoted to you

But now there's nowhere to hide

Since you pushed my love aside

I'm out of my head

Hopelessly devoted to you

Hopelessly devoted to you

Hopelessly devoted to you"

I see the sadness in Jasmine's eyes as the finishes the song and Delia, Lindy and I all clap, surprising Jasmine and the other's look at me stunned. They obviously didn't know I had walked into the room, making me laugh.  Jasmine looks at me really nervously. "Logan, how long have you been standing there?" The girls all look at me and I feel nerves run down my spine. "No that long." 

Lindy's POV

There's silence for a few seconds and Delia and I look at each other, nodding. I can tell why Jasmine chose to sing that song - because it represents her crush she had on Logan and she, just before singing, admitted to me and Delia that she still has feelings for Logan, which is why she has broken up with Owen. "Come on, Linds, lets go and....go do...work. See ya!", Delia exclaims, grabbing my arm, pulling her upstairs. I decide to go through with it, letting Jasmine and Logan be alone again. I just really hope they'll go far enough to finally be together. 

Jasmine's POV

After Lindy and Delia leave the basement, Logan and I just find ourselves  staring at each other for few seconds, before he finally speaks

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After Lindy and Delia leave the basement, Logan and I just find ourselves  staring at each other for few seconds, before he finally speaks. "Wow, Jaz. You sounded incredible. I knew you sang, but not that beautifully." I feel a hot blush heating up my cheek, before looking down smiling to myself. "Thank you" Logan looks at me sadly. "So, how's it going between you and Owen?" I step closer to Logan, smiling and he still looks at me upset. "I actually broke up with him. I'm still in love with someone else." "Oh, well, whoever he is, I hope you'll be happy Jasmine." I start laughing and Logan looks at me confused. "Logan, I still love you!" Logan's eyes go wide as I smile, lovingly into his eyes.  "What? You still like me? Please tell me you're not joking!" I look down, laughing, biting my lip. "I'm not joking. Honestly, I kinda....thought of you when I was singing the song. I don't think I ever stopped loving you, Logan. I know I dated Owen, but that was a mistake. There's only one guy I'd ever wanna be with. It's always been you." Logan smiles, holding both my hands, making my heart beat one thousand times faster. "I love you, too Jaz. I have ever since the fall dance. I wanted to be there with you."  My eyes go wide. "Aw, Logan. That's so sweet." I look at Logan kinda nervously, waiting for a response. "Come here." A smile gently, slowly, forms on my lips and Logan pulls me slightly closer, still holding my hands. I see him slowly leaning into me and I smile even more, following his lead. The kiss is more enjoyable than I've ever wanted it to be and I so don't want to pull away! But, Logan pulls away after a couple of minutes and I feel me smiling more than I ever have. I finally have the guy of my dreams! Yay! 

Logan's POV

Jasmine and I smile at each other and I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am to have her.  I pull Jasmine in closer, tightly hugging her as she tightly wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap mine around her waist.  I finally have the girl of my dreams. 

Aw, hope you liked it. I loved writing it!

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