The Perfect Moment - Part 1

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A/N: Here's part one of what should have happened when Owen walked in on Jasmine and Logan almost kissing in Drum Beats, Heart Beats. Some of it is real. Creds to MaddieGerber for helping me come up with this idea. 😊

*Logan's POV

I can't help, but just stare at Jasmine whilst she gets lost in the music. I just love how I can teach her something that is so special to me. Jasmine finishes with a very excited look on her face. "Wow, Jas. Can I just say, I'm an amazing teacher" I notice Jasmine smile and playfully role her eyes. "Hey". "I'm kidding, you were awesome. Huge improvement after only two days, "Thanks. Oh listen. Owen and I wanna go to the library so we can we end the lesson a few minutes early?", Jasmine says with a hopeful look. Owen. Just hearing his name makes my heart break. Owen is the guy I lost Jasmine to when I realized my true feelings for Jasmine - not liking her, but loving her. Of course I have to try to be happy for my friend, but it hurts...badly. "Sure. So, is it going with you two?" "Really well. He's such a great guy", Jasmine says with a smile. And that's when it hits me. Not only have I lost Jasmine to Owen, but she thinks he's a great guy. Yep, I'm pretty sure my heart just broke into a thousand pieces again.

*Jasmine's POV

Wow, playing the drums is so much fun! Now I can see why Logan has such a big passion for it. "Good, good.", Logan says somewhat oddly. I decide to ignore it. (A/N: I've decided to  cut some of the dialogue) "Now I'm gonna add in some drum fills, so you have an idea of where you'll be in a couple of weeks", Logan tells me as he picks up the sticks. "Great". Ya know, spending time with Logan makes me think about the time he was my boyfriend last year when we dated. Wait, what? Why am I thinking about my ex-boyfriend? Oh, my gosh, again! There's no way I like Logan, I'm with Owen now, I'm over Logan. "Yes!" Suddenly, I find myself slipping and the next thing I know, I'm in Logan's arms. I don't know what's going on, but we just lock eyes. I search Logan's dreamy blue eyes and the next thing I see, Logan leaning into me! I get lost in the moment and find myself leaning into him. Lost in the moment, I feel Logan's lips pressed against mine and I can't help, but kiss him back, making me smile through it. We just continue until I hear words, "What is going on here?!"Oh, my gosh, Owen!

A/N: Ooh, drama. How do you think Owen will react to what he just saw? Find out soon. Hope you liked it 😊

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