Venice: The Honeymoon - Part 1 - Arriving

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Here's the holiday one. Vince is stunning and awesome so I thought I'd to shot on it, hope you like it.

*Jasmine's POV

I'm so excited; Logan and I are going on a holiday, but he hasn't told me where we're going. Its a surprise. Isn't he incredible? And best of all, its our honeymoon! I never thought I would marry Logan, but I guess the love of your life is the person you would never thought you'd marry, especially when that person is your best friend's brother. 

*Logan's POV

Jasmine and I have found a house to move into, but we aren't able to move in until like next month so we've been living with Lindy and Garrett. I still can't believe they're married. I walk into the kitchen and see Garrett making breakfast. "Hey, man. What are you doing up at 3:00 in the morning?" He turns around with a smile. "Oh, Lindy and I were thinking we'd take you and Jasmine to the airport." I look at him surprised. "Really? Jasmine and I weren't expecting you to do that. "I know, but that's what friend's are for, right? Besides with you and Jasmine out of the house, it allows me and Lindy to have some alone time if you know what I mean", Garrett laughs. I look at him disgustingly. "Dude!" "What? She's my wife you know." I role my eyes and sigh. "Yes, I know. I still can't believe my best friend married my sister." Garrett looks at me confused. "Well, I bet Lindy's thinking the same kind of thing about Jasmine marrying you." I smile to myself and blush. "Yeah, I guess."

*Jasmine's POV

After finishing packing Lindy walks into the room. "Hey, Jaz, you ready? Garrett and I are talking you and Logan to the airport. Logan's waiting downstairs for you." A smile fadedly grows on my face. "Yeah, thanks so much for taking us." She puts her hand on my shoulder and smiles. "No problem. I really wanna tell you where Logan is taking you, but I have to keep it a secret." I look at Lindy surprised. "Wait, you know where he's taking me?" "Yeah and I know its somewhere you've always wanted to go. " I get this super excited feeling inside me. "Awesome, lets go!"

*Hours later in Venice; Logan's POV

When Jasmine and I get off the plane, she doesn't recognise it yet which is a good thing then its more of a surprise. We take a boat over to the little island where our hotel is and go under a bridge (image). I notice how shocked Jasmine is. "Surprise Jaz!" "Logan! Venice? This is incredible!" I get hold of her hand "I know you've always wanted to come here so I thought it would a perfect honeymoon destination." Jasmine kisses my cheek. "You're amazing." "I know," She playfully roles her eyes and we finally arrive at the hotel.

*Jasmine's POV

I just can't get over this - we're in Venice Italy! Its stunning and by night! Can it get better than this? As Logan and I get to the hotel room, he picks me up bridal style making me giggle. "Welcome, Mrs Watson."  I giggle again. "Well, thank you." Logan gently kisses me for a short kiss before putting me down. "Wow, Logan. You really went out with this room, especially with that stunning view." Logan walks beside me. "Yeah, but the view in here is more beautiful." I get hold of his hand and feel my cheeks burning up with heat and blush. "Aww, you're the best." Logan chuckles a little kissing my cheek. "I know. Oh, and I have another little surprise for you - I'm taking you on a gondolier. I know you've always to go on one of those." My eyes go wide. "Oh, my god, you're amazing." "Well, you're worth it." I hug him tight, obviously surprising him for a moment. "I love you so much." Logan looks lovingly into my eyes, making me melt inside. "I love you." Logan pulls me closer and gently kisses me, making me smile through it. 

Aw, hope you liked this part. The next part will be mature and I might update later or tomorrow.

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