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Here's the S4, dream shot.

Jasmine's POV, in the afternoon

In Lindy's bedroom, the girls and I are hanging out. "So, what do you ladies wanna do?", Lindy asks with obvious excitement. "Actually, I'm kinda tired.", I comment, yarning. Delia and Lindy both look at me worried. "Oh, Jaz. Why don't you take a nap?", Delia asks. "Yeah, that could help, especially since I'm going on a date with Logan in a couple of hours." Lindy looks around the room. "Jaz, why don't you sleep in my bed? I don't mind". I look at her surprised. "Are you sure, Lindz?" She flashes me a calming smile. "Of course I don't mind. Delia and I will leave you in here."  The two leave the room, closing the door behind them, but I'm so tired, I end up just collapsing onto the floor with a pillow, and find myself slowly drifting off to sleep.

The dream, 8 years in the future, no one's POV

Jasmine is in her bedroom with her two children - Jessica and Luke. "Mommy, can you ever tell us about  how you and daddy met?", Luke asks Jasmine and she looks down, smiling to herself. "Of course I can sweetheart, but I think you and Jessica are a bit too young to understand." Logan walks in a minute later, smiling as he sees Jasmine and his kids. "Hey, Jaz", he says gently kissing her for a couple of seconds. The two smile into each other's eyes."Ew, mom!", Jessica exclaims in disgust and Logan and Jasmine laugh."So are you guys gonna ever tell us how you two feel in love?", Jessica asks with obvious hope. Logan and Jasmine glance at each other. "Look, guys. I understand you want to know, but I think, and I'm sure Jaz agrees, but maybe you're just too young to know right now.", Logan says softly before looking at Jasmine again. "Logan, honey. Maybe its okay for them to hear some of it", Jasmine comments holding Logan's arm and he sighs. "Alright. Jasmine and I first met in third grade and have known each other ever since." Jasmine looks at Logan briefly before she continues his story. "Our romantic relationship started in freshman year of high school. We fake dated for a short while and I eventually realised I had feelings for your dad." "I then eventually found out about your mother's crush before I realised I loved her back. I realised I loved her back at a school dance, but I lost her to another guy and it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do as well as most painful.", Logan says sadly and Jasmine looks at him in sympathy. "I then broke up with my boyfriend to be with your dad and we finally ended up together like I always wanted and dreamed of. We dated for the rest of high school.", Jasmine smiles  to the kids before turning to Logan as she smiles into his eyes. Logan puts his arm around Jasmine. "Then when we were on holiday, not long after graduation, I asked your mom to marry me. You guys then came along a few years later", Logan says with a blush and Jasmine looks down, smiling to herself. "Aw!" "That's so romantic! Your relationship is like a fairytale", Jessica and Luke both laugh and Jasmine and Logan look at each other, blushing. "Yeah, I got my prince charming, alright.", Jasmine comments staring lovingly into her husband's eyes and Logan kisses her a little, making them both smile. 

End of dream, Lindy's POV

Delia and I walk back into my bedroom to see Jasmine is still asleep. We smirk at each other before walking over to Jasmine. "HEY JASMINE", Delia shouts, immediately alerting Jasmine, waking her up. Jasmine looks annoyed and tired (image). "Really? You had to wake me up?! I was having the best dream ever!" A smile slowly forms on my face. "What was your dream about, Jaz?", I ask with brief excitement. Jasmine looks at Delia and I nervously. "Uh...nothing", she says looking away, playing with her hair. "Jasmine....?" She turns to us, nervously. "Okay, so I may or may not have been dreaming about Logan and I at about 10 years in the future, and we were married and had two kids. -Called Luke and Jessica", she giggles nervously. I get this excited feeling inside of me and Delia and I smirk at each other. "Oh, my gosh!! That is amazing!! I would be aunt Lindy in the future!!! That is so awesome!" "Jasmine's got It bad...seriously. Looks like someone wants marriage!", me and Delia comment with excitement and I notice a small blush on Jasmine's face before she roles her eyes.

Logan's POV

I walk into Lindy's bedroom and the girls turn to me with smiles. "Hey, Jaz. you ready for the movie?", I ask as she walks over to me. "Sure, lets go. See you guys later.", Jasmine exclaims as I put my arm around her. We start to walk out before we hear, " Hey Logan" from Delia, making us turn us around before she  continues. "You'll never guess what Jasmine just dreamed about! Its so cute!", she comments with enthusiasm and Jasmine moves her hand, as if to make Delia stop. "She dreamed that you guys were married like 10 years or so in the future and you had kids! It was adorable!" Jasmine covers her face with a hand with obvious embarrassment, and I turn to her with a smirk as I feel a blush heat up my face. "Aw, Jaz don't be embarrassed. Its very sweet. Come on lets get outta here", I smile as Jasmine snuggles into me. "You two have fun!", Lindy exclaims and Jasmine and I head to the movies with my arm around her.

Aw, hope you liked this one! I actually struggled on the dream sequence, but hope you liked it. 

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