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Here's another shot, hope you like it. The phone is the same one I have and colour lol. This one is all in Jasmine's POV

I'm in Lindy's bedroom. You know what I love about her bedroom? Everything! Its so cool! On my phone, (image) I don't pay attention to anything until I hear the words, "Jasmine!" I snap out of my thoughts. "Yeah, what?" Delia looks annoyed as she says, "Did you pay attention to anything I just said?" I role my eyes from left to right nervously. "Uh, sure." "Really? What did I say?" I can tell she's annoyed. "Uh, about homework?", I say with a nervous smile, hoping its right. "No. I was talking about the gang hanging out at Rumble Juice later." Lindy comes over  and sits next to me. "Jas, who are you texting?" "No one." Lindy gives me a 'don't even try' look, obviously not buying what I said. "Really, Jaz. Were you texting Logan?" I blush as she mentions my boyfriend's name. "Maybe..." Both girls look at me and role their eyes. "What?" "Jaz, I'm really happy you're with Logan and I understand you guys are really in love, but ever since you guys started dating, he's-", Lindy says to me as she is cut off by Delia. "He's all you talk about! You guys are always messaging and calling each other!" Are they seriously mad at me for texting Logan? My eyes light up, but with annoyance. "Oh, I'm sorry! Is it wrong for me to be texting my boyfriend?!", I ask in frustration and with sarcasm. Lindy looks at me slightly hurt. "No, but-". my phone starts ringing and I see it's Logan. A smile grows on my face and I blush at the thought of seeing a contacts picture of him. I pick it up and put it to my ear. "Hello?", I say very flirtatiously. "Hello, did somebody order a pizza pie?", Logan says on the other end of the line, making me giggle. (HSM3 reference.)  I notice both Lindy and Delia looking annoyed, especially Delia, causing me to give them a death glare. I continue my conversation with Logan as he suggests something. I smile at the thought. "Yeah, that sounds great. See you soon. Bye! I'll miss you.", I say again flirtatiously. "I'll miss you, too Jaz. See you soon". And with that, we hang up. I look up at the sky, staring into space with a dreamy smile on my face, until I get interrupted by Delia...again! "Jaz!" Why does she have to interrupt my thoughts about Logan?! Ugh! "So, are you leaving, Jaz?", Lindy asks with disappointment.  I smile. "Yeah, Logan's leaving Garrett's and coming to pick me up to go on a movie and dinner date. Isn't he amazing?" Lindy looks touched. "Aw, that's so cute!" Delia gives me a smile. "Yeah, have fun, Jaz! But not too much fun", she says with a smirk. I smile and role my eyes. "See ya later". And with that, I leave Lindy's room to be collected by my boyfriend for our date. Can't wait!

Hope you liked this one.

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