Owen Cheats! - Part 1

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Here's part 1 the ultimate ending of DB, HB. Hope you like it. 

*Logan's POV

A few days after a drum lesson with Jasmine, I walk into school with Lindy. Jasmine is probably with Owen. I can't believe they're still together, it really hurts me to see them together. In fact, when I once heard Jasmine and Owen were going on a double date with Delia and Brandon, I pretty much ignored Jasmine for like a week. Hey, I was gonna go through another huge heartbreak of seeing the girl I like with some random guy! I turn my head, searching the walls and see something I never thought I'd see... Owen kissing another girl! My mouth drops and I nudge Lindy so she can look. "Lindy look!" "Holy....shit! I gotta tell Jaz!"  

*Lindy's POV

After what I've seen, I decide to call Jasmine. "Hey, Jaz, there's something about Owen you need to know." "Really? What?" "Owen's....Owen's cheating on you with Katie Weber." There's awkward silence for a second. "I'm sorry, what? There's no way Owen is doing that! He would never cheat on me!" "Well, I'm sorry, Jasmine, but its true. Logan told me."  There's silence again. "Why would Logan lie about Owen?" My moth drops. There is no way my best friend just called my brother a liar! "Excuse me?" "Yeah. Ya know, ever since I started dating Owen, Logan's been acting really weird. He has barely spoken to me since our drum lesson and the week I went on a double date with Delia, he didn't speak to me for the whole week! What's his problem?!", Jasmine yells. I'm not sure whether or not to tell her how he really feels. Should I? "Jaz, he's not lying, I saw Owen do it too!" I can't believe Jasmine won't believe me! "Whatever! You know, what? I'm gonna talk to Logan and straighten this out!", and with that, she hangs up.

*Jasmine's POV

I can't believe Lindy would lie about my boyfriend and Logan too. I'm gonna find out what his problem is. "Hi, Jasmine.", he says softly. "Oh, don't 'hi Jasmine' me!" "Excuse me?" "How could you say Owen is cheating on me when he isn't?! Don't lie about my boyfriend like that!" "I'm not lying! Lindy and I both saw him kissing Katie Weber!" That makes me feel more angry. "Ya know, what? Like I said to Lindy, what is your problem, Logan?! Ever since I started dating Owen, you've barely spoken to me before the drum lesson and you didn't speak to me for an entire week! What have I done to you?!" "I can't tell you, but its not easy for me to see you with a guy who doesn't even care about you!" "Excuse me? He does. Ya know, Logan. I was supportive of your relationship with Erin, but you won't be happy for me?! Why?", I shout hurt. "Well, I-", he says before I cut him off. "Whats what I thought." I hang up, crying on my bed. I got into fights with my best friends in one day! What the hell!

*The next day, still Jasmine's POV

I walk into school, still mad at Lindy and Logan. I can't believe them, they're supposed to be my best friends! As I make my way to maths, I look around in hopes to see Delia and Garrett. I mean, they're the two I'm not wanting to kill. I turn my head slightly,  I see what I don't believe. My boyfriend kissing another girl! Holy crap!

To be continued.....

What do you think? How will Jasmine deal with Owen cheating on her? Find out in part 2 soon! 

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