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Here's the Paustin interview on their relationship and Jogan. Hope you like it and just made up the interviewer's name lol and I'm changing it as if  Jasmine did cry over Logan in Logan Finds Out or if Piper couldn't play the drums in real-life.  Paustin feels! 

*Austin's POV

On set, Piper and I are being interviewed on the show since it ended. To be honest, I'm kinda nervous, but it'll be fine....right?  "Hey what's up, I'm Anna Weber and you're watching shine on Media! We're here with Piper Curda and Austin North, who are best known for playing Jasmine and Logan on the Disney Channel show, I Didn't Do It." I suddenly feel a blush appear on my cheek when she mentions the character's names. " How are you guys?"  "We're good, thanks", Pipes and I say at the time and I see her laughing at it. "Wow, unfortunately the show ended a few months ago. How do you feel about it" "Uh, it was sad when we learnt it would be the final episode, but it was...a great way to end it, though.", I say in sadness. I really wish there was more to do. Piper smiles as she talks. "Yeah, I liked how the series ended with the conclusion of Jogan ending up together, but ya know, it happened at the very end despite their feelings for each other being there for so long."

*Piper's POV

"I see. Now, you guys revealed after the airing of the episode that you're dating. What was the reaction to that like.", Anna says with...excitement? I look at Austin, wanting to laugh so bad. "It was funny. You should have seen the amount of replies on Twitter! It was insane!", Austin exclaims. And I? I end up dying of laughter. "It was funny." i look at Austin briefly before continuing. "I remember putting the official news on there with one simple line, something like, 'Jogan is official and put an image of Austin and I from the episode, with the quote: Try not to die, but not only is Logan Jasmine's bf, but Austin's mine', and the replies were absolutely insane!", I say trying hard not to laugh too much, but its too late. I'm at the point where I'm about to crack up and my hand covers my face! "Oh my lord!" It was insane cause Piper and I discussed when the best time was to reveal our reveal relationship, but we didn't expect the media to go as insane as it did and we had kept the secret for many months between the filming of the episode and the airing of the finale", Austin laughs, again, making me wanna die.  

*Austin's POV

"What did you expect, I mean, first you guys killed everyone with Jasmine and Logan finally ending up together and then you guys revealing to be actually dating! Its so cute!", Anna exclaims and I start laughing, noticing how embarrassed Piper is! She looks like she is about to cry of laughter. "Thanks. But I'm pretty sure we killed everyone with that kiss!", I blush and I notice Piper blushing and dying to laugh....again. "We did! Didn't you just put hashtag something Jogan kiss or something?", Piper says still laughing. She won't stop and I can't help but want to crack up myself. "Yeah, I put something like hashtag Jogan" and the replies went crazy! It was so funny!", causing us to all pretty much die. "Yeah, now I'm sure everyone is wanting to was it?" Piper and I look at each other, nervously. "It was...good. I...liked it", I say trying not to laugh so much. Piper is at the point where she is about to cry! "Yeah it was good. Austin's actually a good kisser",s he says, almost like she can't breathe! She's so cute! "Thanks." "Even though Jasmine revealed back  in the first season to having season 1 she had feelings for Logan, but Season 2 really focused in depth on their relationship. Did you enjoy filming the episodes that were really focused on their relationship rather than just the other episodes?" "Yeah, it was really fun, but this one over here wouldn't stop laughing during rehearsals so we had to keep re-shooting!", I point to Piper and she looks embarrassed, making her laugh again.

*Piper's POV

"Seriously? You wouldn't stop?", Anna laughs. "No! I couldn't help it! Austin and Peyton are the one's who really kill me!", I laugh, trying to keep it in. "Like I think it was episode 6, but the episode where Logan found out Jasmine liked him, there were a couple of scenes where I wouldn't stop like when Peyton said his line which was something to do with a locker and walked off. I was meant to act sad, you know..cause Jasmine was upset she couldn't be with Logan....but with everyone laughing at his comment, I couldn't hold in! Didn't we have to do it a few takes"< I ask Austin, wanting to laugh. "Yeah! She wouldn't stop! We had to do that bit in like 3 takes, but the hug took longer!", Austin laughs and I feel a blush on my face when he mentions it. "Because Piper couldn't stop laughing, we did that in quite a few takes, which got to the point when we lost count of takes", he continues and not gonna lie, I feel kinda embarrassed. "But it was funny, very entertaining." "But, the ending was quite sad. Were you okay filming it. "Yeah, I was, but Piper cried!", Austin laughs and I end up leaning forward, putting my head in my hands for a moment, laughing again. "Aw!", Anna exclaims. "Well, the thing is, I'm a very emotional person and I think I was so in character for most of it, cause you know...Jasmine thought she...had a chance with Logan only to realise she couldn't be with him...and the emotion for me got really hard, ya know caused me to actually break down, revealing even more stronger feelings. And it got to me so bad, that...I forgot I was shooting", I say through laughs and I notice Austin smirking at me. "Thank god you wore waterproof mascara", he jokes and I role my eyes. 

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