Venice:The News - Part 3

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Here's part 3, I decided to do a final part since I pretty much left the last part on  a sort of cliffhanger

*Jasmine's POV

I feel so ill, so bad that I've thrown up so much in the last hour! This is getting really annoying! I hear the door open and see Logan standing there. "Jasmine, are you okay? You've been in here ages.", he says walking closer to me. "I know. I don't know what's going on, but I-I think that I'm pregnant." Logan's eyes go wide and I feel slight guilt in me. "What?! Are you joking?" "No, I might not be, I don't know! I've just never been sick this much before." Logan gently and slowly gets hold of my hand making my heart beat even faster. "Okay, well, don't worry Jaz, we'll go to the nearest hospital. I just really hope there's someone speak english!" I smile to myself. He's so cute when he's worried. "Sounds good to me."

*Logan's POV

Jasmine and I arrive at the hospital and I got admit I'm kinda scared. I mean, there's a chance I might be a father! I didn't think Jasmine and I would be ready to be parents. I mean, we're only 22. After waiting a while, we finally get to see a doctor. "Sorry for the wait." I sigh with relief. "Oh thank god, someone who speaks english!" The doctor looks at me confused. "Okay....well, anyway, Mrs. Watson, if you could just take a test then we'll see what is wrong with you." I notice how scared Jasmine looks. "Um, okay." She goes into the bathroom and I have to wait here. Man, I am actually really nervous about her.

*Jasmine's POV

I take the test, but I don't want to look at it so I hand it back to the doctor when I walk back in the room. I notice the doctor's eyes go wide. "Well, it looks like you're..." Logan and I are practically on the edge of our seats. "Oh, come on! Just say it already!", Logan says somewhat angrily and giving the doctor an angry look (image). "You're not pregnant." We both sigh in relief. "Thank god!", I say in relief and the doctor looks at us confused. "Wait, you're happy about this?" "Yeah, we weren't really ready, we just thought there was something seriously wrong.", Logan says in serious calmness. "Well, if you guys had done 'it' more than once, then there would have been a very good chance that Jasmine would have been pregnant". Logan and I look at each other in confusion. Why didn't she just say sex? We're not kids! I look at the doctor confused for a moment. "Wait, if I'm not pregnant, then why have I been throwing up so much this morning?" She looks at me worried for a moment. "I don't know. It might have been something you ate." I sigh in relief again. "Okay, well, thanks I guess. Bye." I comment before walking out. "And thanks for not speaking Italian!", Logan exclaims. I look at him confusingly. "Come on, lets get out of here. Besides, we have the rest of our honeymoon to enjoy" I exclaim holding onto Logan's arm.

*Logan's POV

"Wait, you guys are on your honeymoon? Aw, congratulations!", the doctor smiles and Jasmine snuggles closer to me. I chuckle. "You have no idea how many times we've heard that one." Jasmine and I walk out of the hospital and back to the hotel. "Are you okay, Jaz about the news?", I ask looking at her worriedly. Jasmine turns to me stopping me in my tracks and smiles. "Yeah, you were right. I don't think we're ready right away, but when when we are, we are." I gently kiss her cheek before looking into her gorgeous chocolate brown eyes. "I love you so much." "I love you." I pull Jasmine closer, connecting my lips to hers and I feel her smiling through it. We pull back after a few seconds and hug.

Aw, hope you liked this one. What do you want as other shots cause I wanna do more season 3 and 4 shots next.

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