Wedding Day

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Here's the wedding shot, hope you like it.

Jasmine's POV

Its August 10th, 2021 - the biggest day of my life - my wedding day! I'm marrying the one person I honestly never thought I would marry - my best friend since third grade - Logan Watson, at 22. I'm so excited, but also super nervous, but I'm sure every woman goes through this. "Okay, Jaz. Are you ready for this?", Delia asks with excitement and I feel nerves run down my spine, but I can't help to smile so much. "Yeah." "I can't believe you're marrying my brother, but my best friend will be my sister-in-law! That is so awesome!", Lindy exclaims and I feel a blush heat up my cheek. I have asked Lindy and Delia to be my bridesmaids since they are my best friends. "Jasmine, sweetie, can we come in?" I hear from my mom and a smile gently forms on my lips. "Yeah, come on in." She and my dad walk in looking stunned. "Oh, my god, you look so beautiful. Oh honey!", my mom hugs me. "Wow, Jaz, I've never seen you looking more beautiful.", dad comments softly and I look down, smiling." Thanks guys. Don't Lindy and Delia look amazing too?" My parents search their outfits. "Wow, yeah. Love the color", mom laughs. "Thanks", the girls say in illusion and I look again at them - they really do look stunning."Good luck, sweetie!", my mom exclaims as she walks out. "Are you ready to do this?", dad asks as he offers my arm, and I look at him nervously. "Yeah, its now or never." "See you out there, Jaz", Lindy comments as she and Delia walk out of the room. Here goes nothing.

Logan's POV 

This is it, I guess

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This is it, I guess. Man, I can't even begin to tell you how nervous I am, but I'm so glad to be marrying the most incredible woman in the world, and the love of my life, who also happens to be my best friend since like forever - Jasmine Kang - wow. At the alter, Garrett and I are waiting. :"Good luck, man. You're gonna need it", Garrett comments with a chuckle and I look at him confusingly before facing the crowd again. Everyone turns around to see Lindy and Delia waking  down and I notice Garrett's shocked reaction at Lindy in her lovely teal dress (second image). I gotta admit, Lindy does look stunning , so does Delia in those dresses. The music starts to play and everyone turns around to see Jasmine walking down the isle looking more beautiful than ever in a gorgeous dress (top image). Jasmine walks over, facing me with probably the biggest smile of her life. "You're so beautiful" Jasmine looks down, smiling to herself. "You ain't too bad yourself.", she giggles and I look down, briefly with a blush. We gaze deeply and lovingly into each other's eyes before the priest starts. "We are gathered here today to witness the union of Logan Michael Watson and Jasmine Joy Kang. The bride and groom have written their own vows."

Jasmine's POV

Logan and I turn back to each other, holding hands, and he starts. "You have been my best friend, and my greatest challenge. But most importantly, you are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible.... You have made me a better person, as our love for one another is reflected in the way I live my life. So I am truly blessed to be a part of your life, which as of today becomes our life together.", Logan says and I smile, feeling tears in my eyes. "You know me better than anyone else in this world and somehow still you manage to love me. You are my best friend and one true love. There is still a part of me today that cannot believe that I'm the one who gets to marry you.", I smile and Logan looks at me lovingly, saying "I love you"  and another smile slowly forms on my face, bitting my lip so hard that it starts to hurt. "I love you." We turn to the priest again. "Do you, Logan Michael Watson, take Jasmine Kang to be your wife?" Logan turns to me again, making me feel like I'm exploding inside.

Logan's POV

The priest turns to me before continuing

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The priest turns to me before continuing. "Do you, Logan Michael Watson, take Jasmine Kang to be your wife?" I turn back to Jasmine and smile lovingly into her gorgeous lovable eyes. "I do." The priest then turns to Jasmine and I see how nervous she is, but I don't blame her at all. I've nervous ever since the  bachelor party last night. "Do you Jasmine Joy Kang take Logan Watson to be your husband?" Jasmine turns back to me, smiling lovingly, and I find myself getting lost in her eyes. "I do." "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." I pull Jasmine closer as she snakes her arms tightly around my neck, whilst I trace mine around her waist, and I find myself passionately enjoying the kiss, so much that we're just making out, gently for a couple of minutes. I feel Jasmine smiling through the kiss, before I do and I feel her still smiling through it as she pulls away (third image).

Jasmine's POV

As I pull away, I can't stop smiling and as the audience cheers, I slowly tuck my head into Logan's neck (forth image) with the biggest smile ever

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As I pull away, I can't stop smiling and as the audience cheers, I slowly tuck my head into Logan's neck (forth image) with the biggest smile ever. "I am proudly to present, Mr and Mrs. Watson!", the priest exclaims and I briefly look at Logan before looking towards the crowd. "Yeah, Jogan!" "Whooo!" "Finally!"  We turn around to see Garrett, Lindy and Delia cheering, and I, again, rest my head into Logan's neck again, knowing that no matter what will happen in the future, I have the love of my life and the perfect wedding I've always wanted and dreamed of. - I guess dreams really can come true.

Awww!  I chose August 10th because that was the date when Lindy Nose Best aired! 😊I killed myself writing this lol 😍💗 Hope you liked it! 

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