The Movie Date - Part 2

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Here's part 2

*Logan's POV

A while later, Jasmine, Lindy, Garrett and I are in the movie theatre, waiting for the movie to wait, but its taking forever! "Man, will this movie just start! I can't wait for this anymore!", I exclaim. "Ssssh, Logan! Its just trailers!", Lindy almost yells. I role my eyes. The movie is finally about to start and I put my arm around Jasmine. "Is this not gonna scare you, Jasmine?", I ask in worry and she smiles at me, snuggling closer. "Not when I have you to protect me". I give her a flirty smile,  wanting to lean in, but we are suddenly Delia. "Hey guys", she says, trying to get in Jasmine's seat, making her move  to the one on the left. "Has the movie started?" I look at Delia annoyed (top image). "Delia what are you doing here? I did say we were gonna be on a date. Could you please sit next to Lindy and Garrett on the other side?  Do you mind?", I whisper, not wanting to hurt her feelings. "I would, but there are no empty seats with them, besides with another seat next to Jasmine, she can sit there and I can sit in between you guys."

*Jasmine's POV

I notice Logan being annoyed with Delia sitting in between us. I gotta admit, I feel sorry for her, but I would like to be next to Logan. "Look Delz, I understand you feel left out with me and Logan and Garett and Lindy all dating, but this is a date and I would like some alone time with my boyfriend. Is that too much to ask?!" Delia looks at me hurt. "Sorry, but I just wanted to hang out with my friends. Is that too much to ask?!" I sigh with guilt and we just slowly turn to the screen, watching the movie like nothing happened. This is gonna be a long night.

*Logan's POV

The next day at school, I see Jasmine at her locker so I decide to sneak up on her

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The next day at school, I see Jasmine at her locker so I decide to sneak up on her. I sneak my arms around her waist, making her jump and I kiss her neck, making her turn around with a smile. "Hey, Jaz?" She bites her lip. "Hey, is it me or did you feel really awkward with Delia on our date last night?", she asks and I look away awkwardly. "Yeah, I did. I get she feels left out since we're dating and with Garrett and Lindy dating too, but I just wanted some alone time with you.", I smile, holding her hand. Jasmine looks around to see any students and I do the same, to see see that there's no one here. Where the heck is everyone?! I turn my head, facing Jasmine, smirking. "We're alone right now." I notice Jasmine blushing, smiling. "Yeah, we are. You thinkn' what I'm thinking?", she comments, giving me a flirty look. I lean in, gently pressing my lips to her's, making us both smile through the kiss (second image).

*Jasmine POV

I pull back, still smiling and Logan and I stare lovingly into each other's eyes (third image)

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I pull back, still smiling and Logan and I stare lovingly into each other's eyes (third image). Still holding my hand, Logan smiles. "How about we forget the disastrous date never happened, and we just go out to Rumble Juice or go see a movie after school? Just the two of us?" I look down, smiling to myself and bite my lip. "Yeah, that would be great. Why do you have to be the best boyfriend ever?", I giggle. Logan looks at me with loving eyes, making me melt inside. "Why do you have to be the best girlfriend ever?" I giggle, looking away. "I gotta go to class, see ya later.", Logan winks before walking to class and I just stand there, smiling to myself for a little while before walking to class. Can't wait until later. I have to be the luckiest girl in the world. 

Aw, hope you liked this one. I might do the Grease one later, or at least this week. 💖

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