Lindy & Logan's 18th - Part 1

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Here's the birthday special. Feels! This is more of a S4 shot since Lindy & Lindy would be 18 in S4, rather than in S3 and its another 2 parter and its very mature.

*Logan's POV

November 20th, 2017. Its mine and Lindy's 18th. As excited as I am about being 18, I'm also regretting it. Being older also means being more mature. There's no way thats happening! Besides, Jasmine wants to have more 'fun' since I'm older than her. Please tell me she doesn't wanna do it! Wow. Usually I'd be up for that, but not now. Oh my fuckin' god, there's something wrong with me! "Logan, everyone's here!", I hear my mom yell from downstairs. I put my shirt on and see my best friends and girlfriend. Lindy runs in front of me. "Hey!" Lindy turns to me. "Geez, Logan. Calm down, all did was walk in front of you!" Why does she have to be the first at everything?!  I follow my sister down the stairs and see Jasmine standing next to Garrett, god she's hot. 

*Jasmine's POV

When Logan walks down the stairs, my mouth basically drops. How does he get sexier everyday? He walks closer. "Hey beautiful." I bite my lip. "Hey." I turn my head slightly right and pretty much push myself into Logan, turning an innocent kiss into passion. "Ew, get a room!", Delia says in disgust.  Logan pulls away. "Yeah! Its bad enough seeing you guys kiss in public, but making it out is gross!", Garrett exclaims. I role my eyes and we all walk into the living room. "Alright, guys. Lets play a drinking game! I wanna win!", Lindy exclaims. Our eyes go wide. Since when does Lindy wanna get drunk?! I bet its ever since she tried to get rid of her good side, but its never worked. She's so desperate. "Alright, I'm in!" Me too!" Delia and Garrett say in illusion. Since when the hell has Garrett ever wanted to drink?! "Awesome! Lets get smashed!" (I got smashed on my 18th and it was awesome!)

*A little while later, Logan's POV

I hang out with Garrett and Jasmine walks over to us. "Hey guys. What's up?" Garrett smirks. "Logan wants to fuck you.", he bursts out laughing. Logan hits Garrett around the head. "DUDE!" "Oh, come on Logan! Its your 18th, liven up a bit, even Delia and Lindy are getting into it!" "Yeah, come on Logan. Even I wanna drink!", Jasmine exclaims running her hand down my arm. "Oh alright. Give me a 10%." Garrett's eyes go wide. "Whoa, now thats more like it! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna as Lindy for a dance", Garret says as he walks off. Please don't tell me he wants to fuck my sister. - Thats gonna make me sick if he does! After a while, Jasmine and I have had quite a lot and we're basically smashed. I pick Jasmine up and she wraps her legs around my waist. I whisper into her ear. "Lets go to my room." I carry her bridal style into my room and lay her on the bed. I take my shirt off (image) and lie on top of Jasmine passionately kissing her. She takes her clothing off, showing just her underwear and I suck on the soft stop of her neck, making her moan. She takes her underwear off, disposing herself totally, making her look really sexy. The rest is a blur....

Oooh! Looks like Jasmine & Logan did it. I love doing 2 parters so much! The image is from Devious Maids, Season 3 episode 2 like the previous image. I swear to god, its unreal how much that guy looks like Austin North, from this point of view!  😍

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