Memories - Part 2

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Here's part 2, just think of the image as the basement lol 

*Lindy's POV

" Uh, yeah sorry kids, but Jasmine has amnesia. She's gonna be like this for a while and her memory might never come back.", the doctor says and we all stand there in shock. "What?! Jasmine has to remember who she is, who we are and who I am!", Logan says angrily. The doctor looks somewhat scared. "Who are you?" "I'm Logan, Jasmine's boyfriend!" "Well, I'm sorry kid but there's nothing I can do. If Jasmine's memory does come back, it will be naturally or like I said, might never come back again." I put my arm around Logan and I feel terrified. I might have lost one of the most important people in the world.

*Jasmine's POV

I look at everyone in confusion as they talk to apparently the doctor. This is confusing, what are they even talking about? "Well, is there anything we can do?" The blondie asks. Okay, seriously. Who the heck are these people and why are they here to see me?! "Well, you could take Jasmine home and find a way to show her memories so it might jog her memory. Oh, and she can leave any time now."

*Garrett's POV

After the doctor leaves, Lindy, Logan, Delia and I all walk closer to Jasmine. "Do you seriously not remember us, Jasmine?", Logan asks her. I can see how scared he is and he looks like he's about to cry. "No, sorry." I sigh and then suddenly have an idea. "Hey, Jaz, why don't you hang out with us at Lindy and Logan's basement? I know you don't really know us, but it seems like you need some friends." A small smile grows on Jasmine's face. "Really? Uh, sure. That sounds fun." She gets off the bed. "Hey, uh, I never got you're names.", she asks in slight confusion. 

*Logan's POV

"I'm Garrett, she's Delia", Garrett says pointing at Delia. "I'm Lindy and this is my brother, Logan.", she smiles. Jasmine looks at me lovingly for a minute. Is she remembering me? I give her a warming smile. "Hey." "Hi" I see Jasmine looking away, smiling and facing Lindy. Maybe she does remember me! I can only hope. "Well, Lindy, Logan's very cute. I wouldn't mind being his girlfriend", she whispers loud enough for me to hear and a small blush heats up my face. 

*An hour later in the basement; Delia's POV

The five of us walk into the basement. "Wow, guys, this place is awesome!" "Thanks!", Lindy & Logan say in illusion. "Okay, Jaz, we're gonna try to jog your memory with some photos from childhood and some of the biggest moments in you're life", Lindy says, putting her arm around Jasmine. We all sit on the couch. "Lindy, do you have like a photo album?" I ask. Okay I know it sounds old fashioned, but there are probably more photos in that than in our phones if they have one. "Yes, I'll go get it." A couple of minutes later, Lindy comes down with a book. Wow, didn't think they would actually have one. "Wow, we have an album?", Logan asks in confusion. Lindy looks at him oddly and roles her eyes, smiling. "Yes, now hopefully this will work. "

*Logan's POV

Lindy opens the book to a page when we were little kids and there's pictures of the five of us when we first met in third grade. "Look, Jaz, you met us when we were all in third grade together and you became my best friend when you hit Logan with your bag. Do you not remember this?", she asks her and I look at her hopefully. "No sorry." I turn a few pages to us when we were in our early teens. "This is us a couple of years ago when we were just about to go skydiving and it was one of the freakiest thing we've ever done. Garrett even peed himself and a bird pooped in his mouth!", Delia laughs and we all break into laughter. Garrett looks annoyed, making it even funnier! "Thanks a lot Delz's!" "That sounds fun, but I don't remember it or you . I'm sorry.", Jasmine says sadly.  We all look at each other sadly. "Logan, why don't you show Jaz some recent memories of you two? I mean, if she at least remember's you, she's closer to remembering us", Lindy asks in hope. I get closer to Jasmine on the couch and flip through the album until I reach one I hope she remembers. "See Jaz, you have  to remember this. It from freshman year and we fake dated." I look at her sadly. "Fake dated? Sorry, Logan but I just don't remember this or you." I sigh and flip to an even later one. "Well, you have to at least remember this. Its from sophomore year; the fall dance. It was the first time I realised I loved you." "Awww!" I freeze for a second and turn to Garrett and Delia. I give them a weird look and they look embarrassed. Jasmine slightly smiles at me. "Logan, that's very sweet, but I don't-" I cut her off. "Wait, just look at this. I show her a picture of us the day we became a couple and her eyes go wide. "Jasmine, you might not remember this, but I do. It was the best day of my life and you know why? Because its the day you became my girlfriend." Jasmine looks at me stunned and I get hold of her hand. "Look, Jaz. I know you don't remember me or us, but please try. I love you and I'm not losing you again because of memory loss!" 

*Lindy's POV

I notice the tears in Logan's eyes as he tells Jasmine he loves her. I know its really hard for me, Garrett and Delia to have to deal with Jasmine not knowing us, but I can't imagine the pain it must be putting Logan through. "Sorry, but I just don't remember any of you.", Jasmine says looking at us in sympathy.   We all look at each other sadly. "Where's your bathroom?", she continues. "Upstairs on the right", I answer with sadness. Looks like I've lost my best friend for good. Jasmine goes upstairs and we all get off the couch. "What are we gonna do? Jasmine doesn't remember any of us!", Delia raises. I sigh and look down in sadness. I then suddenly get this idea and smile. My friends look at me in confusion. "Why are you smirking, Linds?", Garrett asks in confusion. I turn to Logan. "Logan, kiss Jasmine!" He looks at me shocked. "What?! What are you talking about?" "Look, what we're doing obviously isn't working so kiss her and it might at least get her to at least remember you." "Wait, we have to see these two kiss again? Ew!", Garrett says in disgust. I look away giggling. "Wait, you really think that will work", Logan asks. I turn back around. "I dunno, but its better than nothing unless someone else has any other ideas. Just kiss her as soon as she comes down! At least try!" "Alright, at least she'll hopefully remember me.", Logan worries. 

*Jasmine's POV

I walk back down into the basement and over to the gang. "Hey guys sorry it took me a while, I was-". Suddenly, I get cut off by lips pressed against mine as a hand runs around my waist. I'm stunned for a moment I manage to kiss back and enjoy it a little more than expected. I pull back after a couple of minutes and see it is Logan who kissed me! Bonus! I search his eyes as he smiles at me and a small fadedly grows on my face as I look deeply into his ocean blue eyes. "Logan?" "Jasmine? Are you okay?", he asks in worry, but I cut him of before he can say anything else with a tight hug. I squeeze him so tight that I know it must hurt. I pull back and smile whilst crying happily. "How could I ever forget you?" Logan looks at me shocked. "Wait, you remember me?" Still crying, I get hold of his free hand and I smile lovingly at him. "Yes. How could I forget my boyfriend?" He looks at me with loving eyes. "I thought I had lost you for good, Jasmine!" I slightly smile at him, still crying with happiness. "Well, you didn't and you won't' I promise." "I love you so much". I giggle through my tears. "I love you too." I tightly hug Logan again, harder than I probably ever had, and we just stand there for a little while, swaying. "Aww!", I hear soon after and we pull away. "Lindy, Garrett, Delia!", I exclaim, running over to them and hugging them. "Wait, you remember us?", Lindy asks with excitement. "Yes!" "Thank goodness!", Delia exclaims. Garrett walks over to Logan and high fives him. "Wait to go, dude. Kiss your girlfriend and she's back to normal!" "I know right. Who knew it would work?", Logan asks with a slight chuckle. "Uh, me!". Lindy giggles. We all laugh and group hug (image).

Aw, hope you liked this one. I can so imagine this happening.  😍

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