The Best Five Months Of My Life

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I know Jasmine & Logan's 5 month anniversary isn't until tomorrow, but I won't have time to do it, so I'm doing it now 

Logan's POV

Today is another big day - its mine and Jasmine's five month anniversary! How on earth have I managed to have a girlfriend this long?! I know, I can't believe it either! At school, I see Jasmine approaching her locker and I sneak up behind her, sn...

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Today is another big day - its mine and Jasmine's five month anniversary! How on earth have I managed to have a girlfriend this long?! I know, I can't believe it either! At school, I see Jasmine approaching her locker and I sneak up behind her, sneaking my arms around her waist, feeling her jump, but let go so that she can open her locker. I watch her open her locker (top image). She turns around with a gorgeous smile when seeing the flowers (second image). "Hey, Jaz. Happy anniversary." She looks down, blushing. "Logan, these flowers are gorgeous. I love them, thank you. You're the best boyfriend ever and in the world." I get hold of her hand, making her smile even more. "Hey, it helps when you have an amazing girlfriend." Jasmine gently kisses my cheek and I feel a hot blush heating up my cheek. "Hey, how about I take you out for a movie and a smoothie or dinner after school?", I smile as I keep hold of her hand. Jasmine looks down, blushing and smiling again. 

Jasmine's POV

I can't help, but to look down, smiling as Logan asks me out for dinner

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I can't help, but to look down, smiling as Logan asks me out for dinner. Isn't he sweet? "Yeah, that sounds great. You really are just incredible aren't you?" A small smile forms on Logan's lips. "Yes, I am." I laugh a bit, rolling my eyes as he chuckles. "Come on, we gotta get to Chemistry." Logan puts his arm around me, allowing me to tuck myself into him, only making me smile to myself as we walk off (third image).

Logan's POV

After the movie, I carry Jasmine into Rumble Juice (third image) and I hear her giggling, making me kiss her cheek

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After the movie, I carry Jasmine into Rumble Juice (third image) and I hear her giggling, making me kiss her cheek. Garrett approaches us. "Hey, guys. Uh, Logan, why are you carrying Jasmine....?" I put Jasmine down. "I do that a lot. Its our thing", I blush and I feel Jasmine snuggling closer to me. "Isn't he sweet?" Garrett looks at us disgusted. "Ew, you guys will never stop will you?. Come on, there's a spare table over here "

Jasmine's POV

Logan pulls the chair out for me and tucks me in, making me giggle

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Logan pulls the chair out for me and tucks me in, making me giggle. "You're such a gentleman." He sits down on the seat, smiling to himself. "I know." I playfully role my eyes and grab Logan's arm to move it over mine. "Remember doing this?", I giggle and he smiles. "Of course I do. When we fake dated." Logan raises his glass, making me do the same. "To our five month anniversary. The best five months of my life", (tittle reference 💖) Logan smiles and I look down smiling to myself. "I feel the same way. I love you." A smile slowly forms on Logan's lips. "I love you too, Jaz, and I always will." I feel my eyes watery as I smile. "Logan, that's so sweet. You really are the best guy in the world." I see Logan biting his lip before leaning into me and I follow his lead until we hear a voice. "Hey, guys. What's up?" We turn around looking upset (forth image) as we see Lindy in front of us. "Oh, sorry am I interrupting something?" Logan and I look at each other questionably. Does she really not know its our anniversary? "Seriously Linds? Did you not know it's our anniversary?", Logan asks her and she looks nervous. "Oh, yeah, I forgot sorry. I'm just not used to seeing Logan with a girlfriend for more than like a month." I see Logan looking offended and I'm trying not to laugh, so I briefly look away. "Hey!" "Sorry, enjoy your date, see you guys later.", Lindy smiles as she starts to walk out of Rumble Juice.

Logan's POV

After Lindy leaves, Jasmine and I resume our date

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After Lindy leaves, Jasmine and I resume our date. "I know, you were wanting to laugh, Jaz", I chuckle and she starts laughing. "I can't help it. You're so cute when you're offended. In fact, when are you never not cute?" I put on my 'thinking face', looking away. "I dunno. I'm not just a pretty face." Jasmine laughs again. "No, you're not. Do you wanna go to see another movie?" I feel heat burning my cheeks. "Sure.  Lets get outta here."  I get out of my seat to pull Jasmine's away from the table, allowing her to stand up. "Aw, thank you", she giggles kissing my cheek and I look down, smiling to myself. "Come here" I pick Jasmine up, obviously surprising her and carry her out of Rumble Juice (fifth image, ignore Mike lol). Man, she is just unbeliable. I definitely have the perfect girlfriend, life couldn't be any better. 

Aw, hope you liked this. 💜😍

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