Jasmine Still Likes Logan

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Here's my version of when Jasmine admitted to still loving Logan in The Rescuers. Jasmine is quite angry in this one and its, again, all in her POV. Some of it is real and I am cutting some of the dialogue.

Outside of Lindy's bedroom, my phone rings and I find it is Owen. However. despite dating him, I decide to ignore the call and put my phone down. "Who was that?", Lindy asks me. "Owen." "You're not taking a call from your boyfriend? Is there trouble in paradise?" I look at Delia as she asks me the question. "No, we're fine. Its just-". I cut myself off with thoughts in my head. "What?" "Nothing" Delia obviously doesn't buy my deny to Lindy's question. "Oh please. 'Its just' is never nothing." "Well, this time, it really is nothing. Its just-" "Oh no. Jaz, what's going on?", Lindy questions. I feel kinda nervous. "Remember those feelings I used to have for Logan? I've kinda been having them again". I blush at the thought of still liking Logan. "I just don't know what to do." "Well, you-", Delia starts, only to be cut off by Lindy. "Wait, Delz, before we get to the advice, I have a question for Jasmine. Jaz, what made you realize you still like Logan?" I sigh. Should I tell them? "Do you remember last month when Logan gave me drum lessons?" "Yes", "No.", they both say at the same time. I let out a small laugh. "Yeah, Delz, you probably didn't know, but Logan gave me drum lessons and we got close, literally." I see Delia's eyes widen and she looks interested. "Oooh, spill it, girl!" I laugh a little. "Well, I couldn't do a movement on the drums and Logan helped me.", I blush at the memory. "And that's what made you realize your feelings?", Lindy asks. "No, Lindy, do you remember when I told you that Logan and I had a moment?". She nods. "Well, do you wanna know what it was?" She nods again. "Uh, we may not may not have-", I say before cutting myself off again and looking up to the sky. "Come on, girl, spill it!", Delia says with enthusiasm and I sigh. "Okay, fine! We may or may not have almost kissed", I look away nervously and laughing and playing with my hair nervously before noticing their shocked reactions. "What?! You almost kissed Logan whilst still being with Owen?", Delia asks in shock. I nod slowly. "Maybe." "Jas, what  stopped you and Logan from kissing?", Lindy asks and I feel butterflies in my stomach. "Owen walked in and things got slightly awkward, especially because Logan and I were like only a couple of inches away." They both look shocked and I'm starting to regret telling them. "Oh my gosh!" "Yeah, and that kinda started making me realize it, but what officially made me realize it was that I thought Logan told me he loved me, when he was saying something about my first solo, but I don't remember what he said totally." I blush again. "Oh my gosh!", Lindy says shocked. Well, this made things even more awkward. "But, I don't even know if Logan could ever like me in girlfriend way. Maybe he'll always see me as just a super cute friend.", I say pouting. Lindy looks at me nervously. "Jaz, do you wanna know something?", she asks and I look at her, nodding. "Logan likes you." My eyes widen as my mouth drops and a small smile forms across my face. "What? Are you serious? Since when?", I ask excitedly. "Since the fall dance."  My eyes are still as wide as before. "What?!", I almost shout and they both look at me surprised as I continue. "Logan has liked me this whole time and no one has told me?!" Delia looks at me worried. "Jas, calm down!" And that's what annoys me more. "Never tell another girl to calm down! Especially when feelings are involved! Especially when those feelings are for your best friend's brother!" Lindy also looks at me worriedly, almost scared. "Jasmine, don't get all 'Jasmine'", she says and I look at her angrily. "Excuse me? What's get all 'Jasmine'?" "Well, you can get kinda angry and threatening, so we kinda call it, 'getting all Jasmine'". I continue my reaction. That is not cool at all! "Well, that's stupid. Don't forget I have pushed Garrett up to a freaking locker for keeping the secret about my crush I had on Logan, so imagine what I would do to you for not telling me Logan likes me back", I tell Lindy before giving her a death glare and she looks terrified. "Jaz, I-", she starts to say before I cut her off. "Lindy, this is all your fault!", I yell. She looks at me scared. "Excuse me?" "If you hadn't told me about Logan's feelings for me sooner or hadn't set me up with Owen at the dance, Logan and I would have been together a long time ago! And you know how much I've wanted that! I guess Logan and I have both suffered from a big heartbreak over each other", I say wanting to cry at the memory of almost crying over Logan and suffering from another heartbreak over him. "But Logan's one over me was probably bigger, because you had to set me up with Owen! So basically your brother's heartbreak was all your fault!", I continue feeling quite angry. Lindy and Delia look at me shocked. "Jasmine, you can't possibly be blaming me for this!", Lindy shouts. "Oh, yeah? Well, I am!" "You can't! Their Logan's feelings! Be mad at him! He's the one who didn't tell you!" Delia looks at both of us. "Jas, Lindz has got a point. Why aren't you mad at Logan?" "Because he likes me! And you know how long I've been waiting for that! Over a year!" They both look at me shocked again. "By the time you all found out, I had liked Logan for about a year.", I say calming down and whilst feeling my cheeks heat up with blush. "I was so scared of Logan not liking me, but he has for a while and no one told me! You have no idea how much that hurts in worrying about your best friend not loving you back when  you love them!" My eyes widen again at the comment. "What did you just say, Jasmine?", Delia asks me in as much surprise as me. "You love Logan?", she continues. I calm down and sigh. "I-I don't think I ever stopped liking him. I guess I thought dating Owen would help me get over Logan and my feelings for Logan have always been there, but I didn't know at the time, because of my feelings for Owen, but I guess no matter what I do, I-I can't get over him." I smile to myself at what I just said. "Oh my gosh, I do love him." Delia and Lindy both look excited. "Aw, Jas! Logan loves you too!", Lindy says in excitement. I lean over slightly and give her a stirn look. "What?", I say trying to hold in my happiness. Lindy smiles slightly at me. "Yeah, Logan tried to ask you out the day after the dance, but you said were dating Owen, so he couldn't tell you and he was really heartbroken. It made him realize not only does he like you, but loves you." My mouth drops before a smile forms again on my face. "Aw! Wow, I-I don't know what to say.", I reply with a smile and wanting to cry off happiness. "Well, I guess that has made things easier. I guess I know who I belong with.", I continue whilst blushing and trying to hold in my happiness."I'm sorry, Lindy. I shouldn't have gotten as mad as I did, I was was just in shock from what was said, but in fairness, you did set me up with Owen when I actually wanting to be there with Logan the whole time, despite him being with someone else.", I say with a sad smile, thinking about the beginning of the dance and trying to apologize to Lindy. She smiles. "Its okay, Jas. I get it." "Thanks." Lindy turns to Delia. "So, Delz, how are things between you and Brandon?" "Not so great!", she says with a fake smile. "Maybe I should break up with him. I mean, if Jasmine breaks up with Owen, then I'm breaking up with Brandon." Lindy looks at her worriedly. "Things are really that bad?" "We've been disagreeing about a lot of stuff lately. I mean, Brandon sees a future where humans and sideboards will get along in the future, and I see a future where I don't have to look at Brandon's stupid face.", she continues as Lindy and I look at her confusingly. 

Well, hope you liked this one. Man, it took ages, but I liked writing it. The next shot is planning to be a Season 3 one where Jasmine and Logan get into a little argument, but will obviously make up. 😊

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