IDDI - Twilight - Breaking Dawn - Part 2 - Part 1 - Jasmine Wakes Up

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Here's part 1 of part 2 of BD. Sorry for not updating recently, been busy. I'll try to do another chapter as soon as I can, maybe tonight or tomorrow. This is a short one as the scene is short in the movie. 

*Logan's POV

I continue to stare at Jasmine's body, in hopes that my venom has worked. A few minutes later, I see her eyes pop wide open. 

*Jasmine's POV 

I look around, searching the room and everything seems so much clearer and its weird. I turn my head, facing Logan, looking more handsome than ever. I gently lift myself off the table and walk closer to Logan, slowly running my hand along the palm of his, up his muscular arm. Logan runs his cold hand across my face, looking at me lovingly. "You're so beautiful. We're the same temperature now.", he whispers. I look at Logan with confusion, before walking over to the long mirror, noticing my pale skin and fire, bloody red eyes. A smile gently forms on my face as I look at what I have become - what I've always wanted to be - a vampire. 

*Logan's POV

Once looking at her reflection, Jasmine turns to me looking more beautiful than ever and a gentle smile grows across my face. Jasmine gets hold of my shoulder, pulling me into a tight hug with her new super strength. God, she's strong. "Hey, Jasmine. You're a lot stronger than I am right now." I manage to release myself from Jasmine's grip and moving back slightly. "Its your turn not to break me.", i say with a smile and Jasmine, strongly, pulls me slightly closer, again. "I love you.", she says quietly, making me feel totally love-struck.

*Jasmine's POV

"I love you", I say in quietness and Logan looks me, moving his face closer to mine. "I love you." Logan slowly moves his head to right, pressing his cold, soft lips to mine and I find myself kissing back, with a smile. (image) I pull back, despite not needing air and look into Logan's red, bloody eyes. "How's Rachel?", I ask in concern and Logan lets out a small laugh. "She's incredible."  "Where is she? I need to see her", I say, avoiding Logan's gaze, only to be pulled back, facing him again. "Wait, wait. You need to get your thirst under control", he says looking at me slightly worriedly. I run my hand over my throat, exhaling in desperation of blood. "Yeah, you'll need to hunt.", Logan says looking at me, again, in worry. I've never felt so thirsty in my life.

Well, there was part 1, hope you liked it. This and the final scene are my favourites, cause they're so romantic, especially the final scene with 'A Thousand Years' playing, my god! Am I the only one who notices Logan's tongue showing in Jasmine's mouth in the image? You have to look closely though. That kills me!

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