Anniversary Date - References

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Here's another one to do with if there was a third season. This one references Jogan episodes from both seasons, hence the tittle, and they're juniors 😃 I'll put the episodes in italics.

*Logan's POV

After talking with Jasmine on the phone about a date, I go to pick up. I get off the couch of the basement and start heading out the door, only to be stopped by Lindy! "Hey, Logan, where are you going? Its late." I role my eyes at her comment. "Linds, calm down! Two things - one, please don't be all 'bossy' Lindy and ask me where I'm going. - and second, I'm gonna go pick Jasmine up. We're going to the movies and Rumble Juice afterwards for our anniversary. I blush at my comment and the thought of going on another date with Jasmine. I notice Lindy smile with an 'awe' look on her face. "Aw, Logan, that's so cute! You two have fun!" "I will thanks". With that being said, I exit the basement to start my date with Jaz.

*Jasmine's POV

After taking about two hours choosing an outfit, I finally decide on one. I wear a red knee length dress with black boots and blue jewellery, including the blue heart necklace that I wore when I shared my first kiss with Logan  (The Rescuers) and when we became a couple, making it very  special to me. I'm so excited for my date. This is no ordinary date, its our 3 month anniversary since we got together - January 16th. I can't wait. About 5 minutes later, I hear my mom calling me. "Jasmine, sweetie, Logan's here!", she shouts from downstairs. Yay! "Coming!" I walk downstairs to see Logan staring at me with a shocked look on his face and  it looks like he is wearing the same shirt he wore when we were fake dating (image), "Wow, Jas, you look more beautiful than you ever do." I look down and blush at the comment. "Thanks." "Ready to go?" I smile. "Yeah." I turn to my mom. "Bye, mom." She smiles at us. "Bye, guys, have fun!". Logan puts his arm around me and we exit the house for our date.

*Logan's POV, a couple of hours later.

After the movie, Jasmine and I walk into Rumble Juice, holding hands, to be welcomed by Betty, She approaches us. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the love birds", she says with a small laugh. Jasmine looks up a me with a smile and she looks down, blushing, "Hey, Betty, Can we have two smoothies please", I ask in hope, "Sure, For 10 dollars!" My mouth drops. "10 bucks?! Betty, you usually only charge like 1 dollar something!" She roles her eyes to the right, "I meant, 10 dollars for the couple cup." I notice Jasmine looking at Betty with confusion. "What's the 'couple cup?", Jaz asks in confusion. "Its a big cup with two straws," I hand Betty the money. "Here". Then, I feel Jasmine's hand touch mine, making me blush and look down at her. "Logan, sweetie, you don't have to pay that. You already paid for our movie". I grab Jasmine's hand properly and smile. "Yeah, I do Jas. Its 10 bucks, no big deal. Besides, you're worth it." She smiles. "Aw, Logan thank you". Jasmine rests her head on my shoulder and we stare into each other's eyes. We then hear Betty moan. "Uh, come on guys.", she says and we go to our table.

*Jasmine's POV, a few minutes later

A few minutes into the smoothie part of our date, Logan asks me a question in a flirty tone: "So, Jas, you never actually told me, "When did you actually know...liking me?" I blush at the thought and smile. "Do you remember in freshman year when we fake dated?" Logan nods. "Well, after a couple of days, it didn't feel like we were faking it. I mean, you were more of a boyfriend to me than any other guy - even Owen. And I tried to tell you I liked you, but you were going on a date with another girl, so I decided not to tell you." (Lindy Nose Best) I notice Logan looking shocked and somewhat hurt. Maybe mentioning Owen's name wasn't such a good idea, "Wow, Jas. I can't believe you liked me that long." I giggle a little. "Yeah, I just kept my feelings berried for over a year, by the time you all found out, even though Lindy, Garrett and Delia found out before you did." Logan looks at me kind of nervously. "Actually Jas, I  first found you liked me when you told me." I look at my boyfriend in confusion. "Logan, when did I tell you the first time? I just remember telling you when we became a couple." "I actually found out earlier, before I realized I loved you back. It was when Delia wrote a play about a tree. I had to fill in as the tree as Garrett was throwing up, so I had to fill in for him, and you obviously didn't know you told me, so I had to keep it a secret. I'm sorry Jasmine.", he says in sympathy. My moth drops. "Oh, my gosh. You knew all along?" "Yes." I look at Logan looking stunned, "" I decide to try to let that go and mention the heartbreak I had over him. "Just so you know, Logan. I actually thought after everybody else found out, I kinda thought you liked me back after you and Erin broke up the first time, but you obviously didn't. That was so stupid.", I say in sadness and look away.

*Logan's POV

I notice Jasmine look away as she says she thought I liked her back at that time. Is she serious? I slowly get hold of Jasmine's hand she turns to me. "Its not stupid, Jas, I mean, sure I didn't realize my true feelings for you then, but when I did, it was the best feeling in world." Jasmine looks at me with a smile and looking very touched. "So, when did you start liking me?", she asks with a smirk. I blush at her question. "Remember the fall dance in sophomore year?" She nods. "Well, when you were dancing with Owen, I kinda felt hurt and realized that I wanted to be the one dancing with you. And I tried to ask you out the following day after breaking up with Erin to be with you, but you had started dating Owen, so I didn't tell you." (Falling for Who?) Just mentioning that makes my heart hurt. Jasmine looks at me, shocked. She opens her mouth to say something, but no words come out at first. "Aw, Logan, honey, I'm sorry. I wish you or someone had told me earlier, and if so, I would have broken up with Owen to be with you a lot earlier than I did," I sigh. "Thanks Jas, but I thought you no longer had feelings for me. To be honest, losing you to another guy, was the hardest thing I have ever done and it made me realize that no only did I like you, but I loved you." Jasmine looks at me smiling and holds my hand again. I blush. "Aw, Logan. That's so sweet." I smile and she continues. "I thought dating another guy would help me get over you, but during our drum lessons, I realized I really couldn't get over you no matter what I do." (Drum Beats, Heart Beats) The heartbreak I had over you (Logan Finds Out!),  and almost crying over, yes, painful, but even having to wait for over a year for was worth the wait.", she says biting her lip and I feel speechless. "Wow, Jas, I-I don't really know what to say. But, it doesn't matter about all the heartbreaks and pain of losing each other to Owen or Erin, but you know what makes Rumble Juice so special?" She shakes her head, I smile, still holding her hand. "Its not that you ended up heartbroken here, its...where we got together, making it extra-special. Like you are to me." Jasmine smiles lovingly and looks at me looking very touched again. "You're the best girlfriend in the world. I've lost you once, and I'm not losing you again. I love you." Jasmine still looks at me, looking very touched as if she is about to cry. "Aw, Logan. That's the sweetest and most romantic thing any guy has ever said to me. I love you too."

*Jasmine's POV

Oh my gosh, I  can't believe what Logan has just said to me. I never knew he could be so deep and so romantic, even more than he has already done for and said to me. I smile lovingly at him and feel like crying with happiness. "Aw, Logan. That's the sweetest and most romantic ting any guy has ever said to me. I love you too.", I say still smiling. I notice Logan blushing a lot at my comment. He's so cute. Admitting we love each other for the second time, the first being after we became a couple, (The Rescuers) makes it even more special than it did the first time. I then see Logan leaning into me and I follow him, smiling. I feel his lips pressed against mine, and I smile through it. Even though this is our second kiss, it is just as special as our first one was, (The Rescuers) making it feel perfect.

Aw, I seriously loved writing this one! I love references to previous Jogan episodes, like there were in the episodes. I also loved making Logan even more of a romantic guy, than he already showed,  he's like the best boyfriend ever. Hope you liked this one. 💗💖

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