IDDI- Twilight Saga - New Moon -Part 2 - Logan Proposes!

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Happy new year to my fellow readers! Here's the last part of new moon. Will obviously be almost the same as the video, but obviously also different. Owen represents Jacob

*Logan's POV

After Jasmine saves my life from the voltori, we head our way home but are stopped by Owen on the road. He wants to talk to me. 

*Jasmine's POV

I basically risked my life to rescue Logan from death by the voltori. After running into Owen, I have to confront him. "Owen. I like you, you know that." I look down before continuing my sentence. "So please. Don't make me choose. Because it'll be Logan. Its always been him." I see the sadness in his eyes. "Jasmine-", he says quietly. I start walking backwards and Logan comes next to me. "Goodbye Owen."  Owen gets mad and grabs Logan by the arm in hopes of throwing him, only to be thrown himself by Logan and transforms into a wolf in mid-air.  Owen, in wolf form, runs over and Logan protects me. "Jasmine, get out of here." I'm sick of this fighting! "Stop! Stop! You can't hurt each other without hurting me!" I turn to Logan who looks at me with his golden dead eyes. I turn to Owen and he looks at me with sadness. He runs off into the woods, leaving me speechless. I think I just lost my best friend. "Owen-" "He's right. You shouldn't become what I am." (I think thats what Edward says, its hard to tell) I turn to Logan after that comment and walk closer to him. "I can't do this alone." "Then please, just wait".Logan walks closer to me. "Just give me-five years." I look at him in disbelief. "Thats too long." Yeah, there's no way I'm waiting until I'm 23  to be turned!  Logan sighs and looks to the left a little. "Three. You're so stubborn." "What are you waiting for?" I see a small smile grow on Logan's pale face. 

*Logan's POV

"What are you waiting for?", Jasmine asks me. There is one thought going through my head, I just have to say it in the right way. A small smile grows across my face at the thought. "I have one condition. If you want me to do it myself." Jasmine looks at me slightly nervously. "Whats the condition?"  I gaze into her beautiful brown eyes. "I meant forever." "Thats what I'm asking." I feel nerves run down my spine. There's only one shot at this. "Marry me, Jasmine."

There's the last part of New Moon, hope you liked it. I love this scene so much, one of my favourites in the whole movie. What would you like next? More Twilight or something else?

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