IDDI - Twilight Part 2 - Jasmine Finds Out What Logan Really Is!

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So, here's the second scene of IDDI Twilight - after Jasmine and Logan have become a couple and she finds out what he really is. Again, I don't own any of the dialogue or characters names and the dialogue will be the same as the movie for all the Twilight parts apart from different names, obviously. and this part is all in Jasmine's POV

After what Owen has told me - the story about the Watson's - I decide to do some research. He claims that they are not what we think. I look on my computer and look at blood drinking demons. It explains the pale skin, eyes changing colour thing, that Logan never goes out in the sunlight and that he was able to save me from almost getting killed! Oh my god. My new boyfriend is a fucking vampire!  The next day at school, I see Logan and turn to walk into the woods nearby.  I hear him following me and I stop. I feel my body shaking. I have to tell him I know what he know what he really is. "You're impossibly fast and strong. You're skin is pale white and ice cold." I hear Logan walking closer to me. "Your eyes change colour and sometimes you speak like you're from a different time. You never eat or drink anything, you don't go out in the sunlight." I feel nerves run down my spine again. "How old are you?" "Seventeen" I sigh in worry. "How long have you been seventeen?" "A while." Thats it! I know what he is! He is definitely a vampire! Oh my god. "I know what you are." "Say it. Out loud. Say it." I feel my body shaking at thought of knowing what Logan is. Its not of what he is that makes me shake, its that he wants me to tell him. I gulp at the feeling of discovering his secret. "Vampire." "Are you afraid?" I turn to Logan and look at his beautiful features. A small smile grows on my face. "No."

Okay, hope you liked this one. I might do a scene from New moon next or one of the other movies from the saga. I actually love twilight, so thats why I decided to do scenes from the movie.

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