IDDI - Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn Part 2 - Part 2

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Sorry for not updating  recently, been busy. Here's the last part of the twilight saga. This is my favourite scene of the movie - just so romantic

*No one's POV

Jasmine and Logan are in the meadow, alone, cuddling. They share a short, sweet kiss and Jasmine pulls away.

*Logan's POV

Jasmine pulls away and I smile. "I wanna show you something.", she says. I look at her with slight confusion. "What?" Jasmine closes her eyes for a second, losing her shield ability, revealing all of her memories of us, making it really special to me.

*No One's POV

Jasmine shows every memory of her and Logan with A Thousand Years part 2 playing in the background (video)

Jasmine's POV

After revealing my memories to Logan about us, he looks at me confused. "How'd you do that?", he asks and I look down for a second, before looking back into Logan's golden eyes. "I've been practicing.  Now you know. No one has ever loved anyone as much I love you", I smile. Logan looks at me with a small smile. "There's one exception." I slightly nod and connect my lips to his, turning a gentle kiss into passion. Logan pulls back after a couple of minutes. "Can you show me again?" I look down, laughing at his comment. He's so cute. "We got a lot of time.", I say still giggling a little and Logan looks at me with a heartwarming smile. "Forever." I get lost in his gorgeous golden eyes and a smile grows across my face. "Forever." 

*No One's POV

Logan smiles, leaning into Jasmine, pressing his lips to her, finding himself smiling through it. The kiss (image) turns into serious passion and they stay like this with the song starting to play again to the end, showing the credits, proving their love that will last for all eternity 

Well, that was Twilight for you. Hope you liked it. I died writing this one lol, especially that last paragraph, the feels!! If you have any ideas for shots, feel free to let me know :)

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