Logan Finds Out! - One Year

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I can't believe its exactly one year since Logan Finds Out! That's insane, its flown by! I thought I would do a shot  with references and stuff. It will probably be very similar to the anniversary date shot that had references.

Jasmine's POV

Logan and I walk out from Rumble Juice after another date - at Rumble Juice and the movies  (top image) and I can't hold back my happiness. He is so incredible. "So, Jaz, you wanna go back to the basement? I could give you more drum lessons". I look down, smiling to myself. "Yeah, that would be great. Besides, we'll be alone again."

Logan's POV

Jasmine and I make our way back to the basement and we see the others hanging out. They turn to us. "Hey, guys. Where have you two been?", Garrett asks and I feel a blush heat up my cheeks. "I just took Jaz out to see a movie and we went to see a movie and we were hoping I could give her another drum lesson in here?". Delia and Lindy look at us touched. "Aw, that's so cute! Yeah, we'll leave you two love birds alone...have fun!", Delia exclaims and I look down, smiling to myself.

Lindy's POV

Its really sweet that Logan is giving Jasmine more lessons. I have never seen my brother so happy with a girlfriend. Even when Logan was dating Erin he was never as happy as he is with Jasmine. They are so unbelievably cute!! "Come on, lets let them have their space." I drag Delia and Garrett out of the basement and we leave.

Jasmine's POV 

Logan sets up the drums again and we start playing together (second image)

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Logan sets up the drums again and we start playing together (second image). "Wow, Jaz. You're so good, I forgot how good you are!", he exclaims and I slightly scotch closer to him, smiling, looking up into his eyes. "Aw, you're such a great boyfriend for saying that!" Logan looks down at himself. "I know." "This reminds me so much of our last drum lesson, when I realised I still loved you." Logan looks at me stunned. "Wait, that's when you realised you still liked me?" My smile grows bigger, bitting my lip. "Yeah", I say shyly. Logan takes the drums out of my hand, making my heart beat a thousand times faster, pulling me up from the seat. "Thank you." "You're welcome", he chuckles and I giggle. "I can't believe its exactly a year since  you all found out about the crush, that's crazy. And I can't believe I told you! So embarrassing." Logan looks at me nervously. "Yeah, that was so awkward!" I give Logan another sad look. "Uh, yeah...I guess after losing you to another girl...again, it hurt a lot...and I needed...a break from you".  Logan looks at me sadly, offered. 

Logan's POV

I look at Jasmine kinda offended when she said she needed a break from me

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I look at Jasmine kinda offended when she said she needed a break from me.  "Thanks Jaz." Her eyes go wide. "Oh, no Logan I didn't mean it like that at all! I just...I guess was scared that you didn't like me back. Although, I....actually kinda hoped you liked me, but.....you obviously didn't." Jasmine looks down sadly at what she said. It must really hurt her mentioning that. I slowly get hold of her chin, allowing her to look directly into my eyes and I get hold of her hand even tighter. "Jasmine honey, look at me. I know how much that must have hurt for you to have to go through that, because I went through it when losing you, and that was the most painful and difficult thing I've ever had to do. Jaz, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me....I love you so much....and I'm never letting you go again." Jasmine leans in closer with probably the biggest smile I've ever seen from her (third image). "Aw, you're so romantic! I really do have the best boyfriend in the universe!" A blush heats up my cheek....a lot and I smile into Jasmine's eyes. "Yes, you do."

Jasmine's POV 

I look away, laughing at what Logan has said

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I look away, laughing at what Logan has said. "Oh, my gosh, you are so cute!" Logan looks at me really  flirtatiously (fourth image). "Oh really? How about now?" I start laughing again, and slightly push him, still laughing. "Oh, stop it!" "Don't deny you love me, Jaz!" I role my eyes, laughing again. "How can I deny it? Of corse I love you."

Logan's POV

I pull Jasmine even closer, running my arms around her waist, giving her the same reaction and she smiles, rolling her eyes again

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I pull Jasmine even closer, running my arms around her waist, giving her the same reaction and she smiles, rolling her eyes again. "You are such a flirt!" "Yeah, and you love it"  Jasmine lets go, looking away, whilst I try not to laugh (fifth image). "Do you wanna go catch another movie?", I ask, getting hold of her hand again and she smiles, blushing. "Sure, I'd love that." Jasmine puts her jacket on before getting hold of my arm as we walk out of the basement ready for another date. Man, she's so amazing.

Aw, hope you liked this one. I know there weren't many references, but didn't want to make it too much like the other shot.

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