Prom Night

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Here's the prom one shot. Hope you like it. 

*Jasmine's POV

Here I am. Senior prom, sitting alone in my beautiful royal blue prom dress. (Image) This is supposed to be one of the most amazing nights of my life, but instead, I'm having an awful time, especially because Logan and I broke up a few months ago. I guess I'm just not in the dancing mood even though many guys have asked me for a dance. I'm on my phone, until I hear a girls voice. I look up to see Lindy. "Jas, sweetie,  are you okay? Why are you sitting by yourself?" "Not having fun, I don't have a date." I look away sadly "Jas, you don't need a date to have fun. Is this about Logan?" I turn back at Lindy and give her a confused look. "Why would this be about Logan? We broke up months ago, I'm just   not in the mood." "But Jas, you turned down three other guys because you said they weren't your 'perfect guy'. Do you still maybe have feelings for Logan?" I sigh. She's right, maybe Logan is supposed to be my 'perfect guy'. "I dunno. Look, can we just not talk about this now, please." Lindy stands up. "Alright, but feel free to come and dance with me and Garrett if you want to." She walks away. I still can't believe Lindy and Garrett are at prom together. I mean, they are dating, but to be honest I never thought of them liking each other the way Logan and I liked each other. 

*Logan's POV

I'm hanging out with Garrett as Lindy left for some reason. I wish I had the perfect date, but so much for that. Lindy comes over. "Hey, Linds. Where have you been?", I ask. "With Jasmine. She is pretty upset about not having a date and having the 'perfect date' ". My eyes widen. "Wait, Jasmine doesn't have a date?", I ask with a slight smile. "Yeah, why do you care?" "No reason." Garrett looks at me with a smirk. "Logan, do you still have feelings for Jasmine?" I start laughing nervously. "Whaaattt? Why would you say that?" "Oh, come on, Logan. We all know you guys still love each other. Besides, I'm your best friend, I can tell when you're lying." Lindy gets closer to Garrett and snuggles into him. "He's right, you're voice always goes high when you're lying." I look down. Maybe they're right. I guess I do still love Jasmine and there's no way to deny it. 

*Jasmine's POV

After taking a walk outside for  a while, I decide to walk back into the hall. I keep walking and trip. The next thing I know, I'm in a guy's arms. I look up to see Logan! "Hi, Jasmine." "Hey, Logan. Sorry about that, I guess I wasn't looking whilst walking." He pulls me back up. "Its okay. Where were you?" "Outside. Just needed some fresh air." "Oh okay." A few seconds later, a love song comes on - one of my favourites - Its Time of My Life! Yes! (A/N: Time of My Life is one of my favourite songs) Logan turns to me. "Hey, Jas, do you....wanna dance?" I smile and blush. "I'd love to." Logan pulls me into the  centre of the dance floor. He puts his arm around my waist making me wrap mine around his neck. "So, why were you sitting by yourself?" Logan asks me. My eyes widen, how does he even know about that? "How do you know about that?", I say repeating my thoughts. "Lindy told me....and Garrett." I role my eyes. "Big mouths." "I know." We laugh as Logan spins me, making me smile and feel like cinderella. "How was your night going?" "Not well, either. I wanted to be here with the perfect girl, but I couldn't find her", he says. My eyes light up. He feels the same way I do. "Same. I've been asked to the dance by a few guys, but I couldn't find the right one.", I smile. 

*Logan's POV

I give Jasmine a confused look as she smiles when she says she couldn't find the perfect guy. Does she mean me? I spin Jasmine again, dip her and bring her back up, making her smile. I have to tell her how I feel as its the perfect time and before I lose her. "Jas, I still love you." She smiles. "I never stopped loving you." I smile and bite my lip. "So, what are  saying?". She kisses me, making me return it. A few seconds later, we pull back and smile. "I thought I'd be able to have fun without a date, but I realised the perfect guy for me has been you all along." I blush and pull her closer, connecting my lips to her's again. I feel Jasmine smiling through the kiss, making me smile too. The next thing we hear is "Ahh, JOGAN!", making us pull apart, with Jasmine's arms still around my neck and we turn facing them. We see Lindy, Garrett and Delia there. Jasmine giggles. "Did you guys see that?", she asks. "Maybe....", Delia says just before looking away and smirking. "I knew you guys still love each other Ha!", Lindy says with confidence. I role my eyes. "Well, you were right," "I know." "Well, we'll leave you two alone", Garrett says smirking before pulling Lindy away, with Delia following them to find her date.

*Jasmine's POV

Still with my arms wrapped around Logan's neck, I watch the others walk away with excitement. I giggle. "They really have a thing about us being together." Logan smirks. "You got that right." Logan turns me so that my body is pressed against him again as the song continues. Its quite a long song, which makes it more perfect. As the song comes towards the end, Logan makes me sway in his arms, dips me and pulls me back up again, before making us sway again. As the lyrics, 'Now I've had the time of my life and I owe it all to you' plays, Logan lip syncs them making me laugh. We lean in again and share a sweet kiss before he lifts me into the air (Patrick and Jennifer did that in the movie and I loved it) and we lock eyes. When he pulls me back down, we sway again, making it the perfect night after all. I guess I truly do have my fairytale prom with my prince charming.

Aw, loved writing this shot, even more than the last dance shot. Hope you liked it. I just love Dirty dancing with Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey, so I had to put the references in this!)

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