IDDI - Twilight Saga - Twilight - Part 1 -First Meeting

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A/N; Hey guys. So since no one  has requested a scene from one of the Twilight movie, I am gonna do a couple of my favourites. Jasmine & Logan represent Bella & Edward obviously and the rest of the gang represent a couple of the other characters from the Cullen family. Lindy = Rosalie, Garrett = Emmett, Delia = Alice Jasper = himself lol, Bob = Castile (can never spell his name lol) and Nora = Esmie. The scene are based on the original with same story obviously, just the IDDI characters as the Twilight characters and DITKA High represents the school in Twilight and basically the same dialogue. Jasmine's parents are the same as Bella's - Reneae and Charlie and Jasmine's new friends are the same as Bella's.  I own none of the dialogue, creds to the original movie.  

*Jasmine's POV

After my mom got remarried, she and her new husband wanna go on the road so I'm gonna spend time with my dad. And this will be a good thing, I think. My first day at new school. Its march, middle of the semester. Great. After meeting Jessica, Mike Eric and Angela, we become quite close. After seeing the Watson's for the first time and not speaking, things got weird as Logan has been ignoring me throughout chemistry (IK Bella & Edward had biology together, but Jasmine and Logan had Chemistry together) and wanting  to switch classes. What's his problem? The following week, I walk into chemistry to see that he has returned. I sit next to him at our table and he finally says something to me. "Hello. I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to introduce myself last week. I'm Logan Watson. You're Jasmine?" Is the hottest guy in school seriously speaking to me? The new girl? "Um, yes."  I feel nerves run down my spine. Logan pushes the benson burner closer to me. "Ladies first." i slightly move my hand up, wanting to say something. "You were gone." He looks nervous. "Yeah. I was out of town for a couple of days. Personal reasons."

*A little later into the lesson, Logan's POV

"So, you enjoying the rain?", I ask Jasmine and she giggles a little. "What?" "You're asking me about the weather?" I give her a nervous look. "Yeah, I....I guess I am." Jasmine looks away slightly before responding. "Well, I don't really like the rain. Any cold, wet thing, I don't really-" I laugh a little. "What?" "Nothing."

*Jasmine's POV

After Chemistry,  Logan and I walk out out together. "Why didn't you move with your mother and Phil?" , he asks  me. This is kinda personal. "Well, Phill's a minor league baseball player and  uh,...he travels a lot. And my mom stayed home with me, but I knew Phil made her happy so I-figured I'd stay with my dad for a while." We stop. "And now, you're unhappy?", Logan asks me. This isn't really any of his business. I look at him slightly confused. "No." "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to figure you out. You're very difficult for me to read." I lean closer to him and look into his eyes. They're a totally different colour! Huh?! "Hey did you get contacts?" "No." I look closer into his eyes. "Your eyes were black the last time I saw them and now they're like, golden brown." Logan looks at me nervously. "Yeah, I know. Its the uh-its the florescence" He closes his eyes before continuing his sentence. "Um". Logan walks off. Well, that was weird. He doesn't seem that normal to me.

*Logan's POV

After Jasmine notices my eyes, I try to act normal saying it is the florescence. I try to continue my sentence only to stop and walk away. There is no way that Jasmine is ever gonna find out what I really am. She can't

Okay, that was the meeting. I might do a couple more from the first movie or if you want, a different movie from the saga and of course the dialogue is the same. Hope you liked it.

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