The Morning After - Part 2

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Here's part 2

*Logan's POV

The next day, I wake up and my head hurts. How much did I have last night? I turn my head and see another girl in my bed. I nudge her and its Jasmine! We both scream as our eyes go wide. "Jasmine?!" "Logan?!" We look at each other awkwardly. "I didn't do it!" Jasmine looks worried. "We did it, didn't we?", she says with a blush. "Um, yeah", I nervously comment , rubbing the back of my neck. "Oh, my god. I thought we weren't ready!" I get hold of her hand. "I know, I'm sorry Jasmine. Sorry if I hurt you., I didn't know what I was doing." A small smile grows across her face. "Neither did I. To be honest, I remember some of it, but not all." I chuckle. "Same. I guess we got pretty smashed last night, but it was awesome."

*Jasmine's POV

"Same. I guess we got pretty smashed last night, but from what I remember, it was awesome.", Logan says and I giggle. "I feel the same way. You're so cute.". He looks down, biting his lip. "I know."  I role my eyes, smiling. We both get off the bed and start to get dressed. I put a jumpsuit on and turn my eyes to see a shirtless Logan again. He smirks. "See something you love, Jaz?". I role my eyes again "Cute, Logan. Its a good thing your my boyfriend or I'd kick your ass for flirting!" He laughs and puts a shirt on. "Don't deny it you love it, babe." I blush and smile to myself. "Did you just call me babe?" He bites his lip. "Why, yes I did." "Aw, Logan." I walk over to him, run my hand over his chest and we smile lovingly into each others eyes. (Image) "I love you." I stare into his gorgeous  blue eyes. "Love you too." Logan leans into me slightly, slowly pressing his lips to mine and I smile through the gentle kiss. We pull back and smile. "How about I take you to breakfast?" "I let go of his chest and get hold of his hand instead. "Yeah, that sounds great." Logan picks me up bridal style making me giggle and carries me out the room. I still love that!

What did you think? Hope you liked this one. What do you want for the next shot cause I'm planning on doing one before my one for valentines day and I will be doing a 4 month anniversary shot since it'll be Jasmine & Logan's 4 month anniversary next Tuesday, but I'm struggling on ideas so if you could help me, that would be great. 

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