Till the End of Time

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Here's another S4 shot

Logan's POV

Jasmine and I walk into the basement to see our friends watching tv. "Hey, where have you guys been?", Garrett asks. I feel Jasmine snuggling closer to me. "We went on a date to Rumble Juice", she smiles and I look deeply into her eyes. "Do you mind if we have the basement? Jas and I wanna watch a movie.", I ask with hope and the others look at each other. "Yeah, we're kinda in the middle of watching TV, here", Lindy exclaims. "Yeah, why don't you guys join us?", Delia asks as she flashes a smile and Garrett looks disgusted. "Oh no way. These two won't stop flirting." I look at Garrett offended. "Hey! No offence Garrett, but I know you're just saying that because you're just jealous that you've never had what Jasmine and I have. When you find the love of your life, like I have, you'll understand.", I comment trying not to hurt his feelings, and he looks at me offended. "Hey!"I give Garrett a nervous look."Come on Jaz, lets watch a movie in my room." 

Jasmine's POV

Logan and I go into his bedroom (top image) and my eyes go wide at the size of it

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Logan and I go into his bedroom (top image) and my eyes go wide at the size of it. "Oh, my god, you're bedroom is so awesome!", I exclaim and Logan looks at me surprised. "Have you never seen my room? I thought you had" I bite my lip, gazing into his gorgeous eyes. "Yes, I have. I just don't remember it. Now, come on, lets watch that movie." I get hold of Logan's hand, pulling him over to his bed. I snuggle closer, (second image) as we start to watch one of my favourite movies ever -Titanic.  As we continue watching, I find myself pretty much swooning over Leonardo DiCaprio. "Oh my god, I forgot how hot Leonardo DiCaprio is!" Logan turns his head, looking at me sadly. "What?!" I snuggle much closer to him. "Aw, are you jealous?", I laugh and Logan nervously smiles. "Whaaatttt? Yeah, right!" That makes me laugh even more. "Aw, you are jealous. You make it so cute. But don't worry, Logan. He has always been a celebrity crush of mine" I laugh. "You're the only guy for me. I love you and that's never gonna stop."

Logan's POV

I feel a blush seriously burnin' my cheeks when Jasmine says she loves me again, and I tightly hold her hand, as she deeply looks into my eyes

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I feel a blush seriously burnin' my cheeks when Jasmine says she loves me again, and I tightly hold her hand, as she deeply looks into my eyes. "I love you too, Jaz, and I will love you till the end of time" (third image). Jasmine smiles lovingly into my eyes, looking really touched. "Logan, that's so romantic. You really are the best boyfriend ever, aren't you?", she giggles and I look away, smiling to myself. "Yes, I am". Jasmine starts to lean into me, and I follow her lead. Just as we're about to kiss, we hear the door open and turn around to see Lindy at the door. "Hey guys. How's the movie? Oh my god, you're watching Titanic?" I look at her slightly upset and annoyed. "Yeah. Its awesome, but its coming to an end now. This part is so gonna make me cry!", Jasmine exclaims and Iook at her worriedly. "Mind if I join you? Delia and Garrett have left now, so I thought I'd hang out with you two, besides I wouldn't mind staring at Leonardo all day myself!", Lindy laughs and I hear Jasmine laughing too. "Sure, and I know right?", Jasmine smiles and honestly, I feel pretty annoyed and...okay..maybe slightly jealous. I slightly mumble to myself. "Oh, for god's sake".

Jasmine's POV

After the movie ends, Lindy and I are pretty much crying our eyes out

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After the movie ends, Lindy and I are pretty much crying our eyes out. "Oh my god, that was so sad, but so romantic!", she exclaims through her tears. "I know right? So amazingly tragic!" Suddenly, my phone goes off. I look at the message to see its my mom. "Oh, sorry guys. My mom's outside waiting for me, I gotta go", I say in sadness, looking at Logan. "Ok, see ya tomorrow, Jaz", Lindy smiles as she hugs me. I turn to Logan and he looks at me sadly. "I'll miss you" I look down to myself. "Aw, I'll miss you too, you really are the best boyfriend ever." I wrap my arms around Logan, hugging him tightly (forth image). Logan and I stand there for a while, hugging and I'm really enjoying it. He's just so dam comfortable. We are then interrupted by Lindy's voice! "I'd hate to break this up, but Jaz, you're mom is kinda waiting for you." Logan and I pull away slightly, blushing. "Oh, right. Bye guys." I walk out of  Logan's room, giving him a flirty wave and we just stare at each other for a moment. "Oh, for god's sake! You guys are inseparable!", Lindy says in obvious disgust and Logan and I snap out of our trance before I head out of the house. God, he is just so amazing.

Aw, hope you liked this one. 

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