Jasmine's 17th

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Here's another S3 shot I made both the gifs, and if I do say so myself, I'm really happy with them!

Jasmine's POV

March 28th. My 17th birthday. As excited as I am, I'm also kinda dreading it, its gonna be a long year.  At school, I walk into the cafeteria to see Lindy, Garrett and Delia there....but not Logan. "Hey guys. Where's Logan? I've missed him this morning." Lindy looks at me sympathetically. "Aw, Jaz. He's just had lessons and been busy, I'm sure he'll turn up soon." A small smile forms on my lips as my cheeks heat up with blush. "Okay, well, I better go to my locker. See you guys later." I walk out of the cafateria, wondering where Logan could be.

Logan's POV

I notice Jasmine walking over to her locker, I decide to sneak up on her, sneaking my arms around her waist, making her jump

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I notice Jasmine walking over to her locker, I decide to sneak up on her, sneaking my arms around her waist, making her jump. "Hi, Jaz" "Hey." I pull a box of my pocket and hand it to Jasmine. "Surprise! Happy birthday", I smile and Jasmine blushes, taking the box out of my hand. She opens it to see a heart necklace (second image). "Logan, it's beautiful, and the flowers in my locker. Thank you. I'll love you forever too". I look down, smiling to myself as Jasmine kisses my cheek. "You're welcome, Jaz. I wanted to get you something I know you'd love." Jasmine looks at me, lovingly, bitting her lip. (first image) "Aw, you're the best boyfriend in the history of boyfriends! I don't need expensive gifts when I have the best boyfriend a girl could ask for."  I chuckle a little, getting hold of Jasmine's hand. I get hold of the necklace, opening the locket with the picture of us cuddling, the day we started dating. "Logan, that's so romantic. I'm so lucky to have you.", Jasmine smiles looking touched and my face heats up, with a burning blush. "I feel the same way" I put the necklace around Jasmine. I pull Jasmine closer, connecting my lips to her's, feeling myself smiling through the kiss. We both smile, after pulling away. "Come on, lets go see the other's"

Jasmine's POV

Logan and I walk over to our friends holding hands, and I can't help, but to laugh at him acting like a dog, (third image) like he did when we were fake dating

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Logan and I walk over to our friends holding hands, and I can't help, but to laugh at him acting like a dog, (third image) like he did when we were fake dating. "Aw, you're so cute!!" "No, you are!" I snuggle closer, biting my lip. "No you are!" We eventually reach our friends and Delia looks at us...weirdly. "Ah, if it isn't Jogan" Logan and I look at each other briefly, questionably before looking at Delia. "Delia, what are you talking about?", I ask looking at her confused. "Oh, she means your couple name. The three of us came up with it when you guys started going out", Garret laughs. I look up at the thought of what he just said. "Uh, what do you know. I actually think it suits us." Logan looks at me, smiling. "Yeah, its cute, just like Jaz is!", Logan says smiling at me. "No you're the cute one!" "No you are!" We continue saying that until we hear Delia's voice again. "Alright, we get it, you're both adorable, now will you please just shut up!" Logan and I look at each other, kinda upset.

Logan's POV

There's silence for a moment and we all search the room, waiting for someone to say something

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There's silence for a moment and we all search the room, waiting for someone to say something. "Hey, Jaz, where'd you get the necklace?", Garrett asks. Jasmine looks down, holding the necklace, smiling. "You like it? Logan got it for me for my birthday" Lindy and Delia both examine the necklace with 'aw' looks on their faces. "Aw, that's so cute! Who knew Logan was so romantic?", Delia laughs and I look at her, confused.  "Thanks Delz", I say sarcastically and she starts laughing. There's more silence until Lindy continues. "So, how about after school, we all hang out at the basement?", Lindy asks and I put my arm around Jasmine. "Yeah, Jaz and I can't. I'm talking her out to see a movie and go for smoothie's as part of her birthday present.", I smile and I see the huge smile on Jasmine's face. "Isn't he sweet? See ya guys later. Logan and I have chemistry." "Yes, you do", Lindy jokes and I role my eyes, smiling. "Oh, hey Jaz, come here" Jasmine looks at me slightly confused and I pick her up (forth mage), like I did when we were fake dating and carry her to class, hearing her giggle.

Aw, hope you liked this one. Sorry its not great, had trouble coming up with ideas. 💜

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