Jasmine Moves In

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Sorry about not updating in a few days - had trouble coming up with ideas. This is like an ultimate ending to the third shot. - Its another S3 one.

Jasmine's POV

Logan and I are in Rumble Juice on another date and he gets hold of my hand. "So Jaz, how about after the smoothie's, I take you to see a movie?". A big smile slowly forms on my lips and I find myself deeply gazing into his ocean blue eyes, bitting my lip. "Yeah, I'd love that. You're so amazing!" Logan leans closer to me. "You are!" "No you are" Our faces are really close and start to slowly lean in, but just as we're about to kiss, my phone goes off and I pull away, checking my phone (top image). "Aw, I gotta go, my parents needs me home". Logan looks at me sadly. "Alright" We stand there for a couple of minutes  hugging, before I pull away.

A little while later, still Jasmine's POV

As I walk through the front door, I find my mom and dad in the living room

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As I walk through the front door, I find my mom and dad in the living room. "Well, I'm here. What's really important? I was on a date with Logan." I look down, smiling to myself before looking up again. "I know and we're sorry honey, but we have something really important to tell you. You're dad got a new job in Florida, which means we're moving." I stand there for a few seconds, not saying a word. "I'm sorry, what did you just say? Please tell me you're joking!" My dad looks at me worriedly before responding to my question. "We're not, sorry Jasmine. We're moving next week" I look at my parents, wanting to cry and disappointed (second image). "What?! We can't move! I can't leave my friends, especially Logan! How am I supposed to leave my boyfriend?!" My mom looks at me nervously. "Well, I'm sorry sweetie, but there's nothing you can do, besides you can always get a new boyfriend." My mouth drops in shock as I feel tears in my eyes. "Maybe, but I don't want to! I love Logan and I'm not leaving him!" I run out of the room in tears to end up crying on my bed. This is awful!

Logan's POV

In the basement, Lindy, Garrett, Delia and I are hanging out and Jasmine walks in

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In the basement, Lindy, Garrett, Delia and I are hanging out and Jasmine walks in. "Hey, Jaz what's up?", I ask as I get off of the couch and hug her. "Hey." I look at Jasmine worriedly as I see how upset she looks. "I have something to tell all of you." We all sit back on the couch. Delia looks at Jasmine worried. "What is it, Jaz?" she asks and Jasmine looks nervous. "My dad got a new job in Florida, so it means I'm moving...next week." I look at Jasmine in shock, holding her hand. "What?! You're moving?", Garrett asks and Jaz looks at us upset. "Yeah" I grip hold of Jaz's hand even harder, honestly wanting to cry. "But, Jasmine, what about us? I don't want you to go!" Jasmine looks me in sympathy. "Aw, Logan, I don't want to leave you either, or any of you guys. but my parents said there's nothing for me to do." Lindy looks at Jasmine upset. "But you're our best friend, I can't have my BFF in Florida!!" "And I don't want you to leave me Jaz! I can't have my girlfriend thousand of miles away from me!!! I don't want to break up, because of this!!", I exclaim hurt and Jasmine, again, looks at me worriedly. 

Lindy's POV

I suddenly get this great idea and get off of the couch

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I suddenly get this great idea and get off of the couch. "I've got it!! I am a genius!! Jas, if you don't want to go, we don't want you to go, and this way you and Logan can stay together, then why don't you move in with me and Logan, I mean, I'm sure you're parents will be fine with it, our parents will!" Everyone looks at me shocked and all stand up."Really?", Jasmine exclaims and I smile. Garrett comes over to me. "Lindz, that's a great idea! That way Jaz doesn't have to leave!" "Yeah, and then Jasmine and I can have more time together", Logan says excitedly as he puts his arm around Jasmine and she snuggles into him, smiling (forth image). I can't help, but to aw at them, they're so cute! "Aww! You guys are adorable!", I exclaim and everyone laughs.

Logan's POV

It's so great that Jasmine is moving in with me and Lindy. I don't know what I would do if she left, my life would be empty without her, she's incredible. 

Aw, hope you liked this one. 

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