Memory Loss! Part 1

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Here's the memory one I suggested, hope you like it and its another S3 shot. It might be somewhat similar to a Shake It Up episode and its another 2 parter

*Jasmine's POV

In Rumble Juice, the gang and I are hanging out. "Hey, do you guys wanna go see a movie later?", I ask in excitement. "Yes! There's a new romantic comedy out called The Proposal!" (I love that movie!) Delia exclaims. "OMG, yes! What do you think, Garrett?", I ask. He looks disgusted. "Ew, no! Let's see a horror film, right Logan?" Logan puts his arm around me and I get closer to him. "I'm cool with whatever." Garrett looks shocked. "What?! You hate romantic comedies!" Lindy, Delia and I try not to laugh at Garrett getting annoyed. "I know, but it feels like ever since I started dating Jasmine, I've gotten into them more." A blush lightly heats onto my cheek and Garrett looks at me with a 'you are so dead' look. "Well, thanks a lot, Jaz! You've killed my best friend!" Lindy looks excited. "Aw, Garrett, he's still Logan, just a fun version!", she exclaims. "Yeah. Hey!", Logan says offended. "So, we up for a movie?", I ask "Yeah" they say in illusion. "Awesome." I get off the couch and head to the door. "Jasmine, where are you going?", Delia asks in confession.  I turn to my friends. "Well, I wanna get some stuff from home before we go to the movie later. I'll meet you guys in the basement?" "Sure" They, again, say in illusion. I walk closer to the door as they talk between themselves. The door opens and hits me in the face.  The room goes dark.

*Delia's POV

As I talk with my friends, we hear a crash and turn around to see a girl on the ground. We all get off the couch and walk over to her to find its Jasmine! "Oh, my gosh, Jasmine!", I exclaim in fear. Logan kneels down and gets hold of her hand. "Is she okay?!", Garrett asks in worry. I'm so worried about her! "Jasmine, honey, can you hear me?", Logan asks obviously scared. "She's not responding!" "Oh, no. Jasmine's dead!", Garrett almost shouts. I smack Garrett on his head. "Ow! Delz what was that for?!" "She's not dead you idiot!" Lindy puts her hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, she's just knocked out. What do we do? I'm really worried about her." Betty walks over a few seconds later. "What is going on here? Keep it down!" Lindy looks at her apologetically. "Sorry, Betty, but Jasmine's knocked out. Oh I know. We have to take her to a hospital now!" "Fine, but its not my problem if there isn't money involved."

*Logan's POV

At the hospital, we all wait in the waiting area for news on Jasmine. I really hope she's okay. The doctor comes up to us. "Are you guys here for Jasmine Kang?" "Yes. Is she okay?", Garrett asks in serious concern. The doctor looks at us worried. "Uh, why don't you guys go in and see her?" We go into a room and see Jasmine lying there looking scared and as we walk over to her, I get hold of her hand. "Oh, Jaz, thank goodness you're okay! I've been worried sick!" "Aw, thank you, but...who..are you?" I let go off her hand and turn around to my friends. "Nice try, Jasmine.". Garrett says annoyed. "No, I'm serious. Who are you guys and who's this Jasmine person?" "Uh, yeah sorry kids, but Jasmine has amnesia. She's gonna be like this for  a while and her memory might never come back."

To be continued.....

Hope you liked it. I might do part 2 later today or at least tomorrow. Will Jasmine be okay or has she forgotten her friends for good? Find out soon!

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