Study Date - Part 1

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Here's part 1 of the double date - is in 2 parts - its another S3 shot . 

*Jasmine's POV

In Rumble Juice, Logan and I are studying for a chemistry test. "Uh, this is so boring! I can't do this!", Logan moans. I scotch closer to him. "Aw, you're so cute when you moan." Logan smirks. "No, you're the cute one!" "No you are!" I bite my lip so hard to the point where it stings, and our faces get closer "No, you are" "No, you-"., I start to say, before hearing a voice. "Hey, guys, what's up?" We turn to see Delia in front of us. "Delz, what are you doing here?", Logan asks her and she looks confused. "We always hang out here and I was hoping the five of us could hang out." Logan and I look at each other briefly. "Uh, yeah. Here's the thing, Delz. Logan and I are kinda in the middle of a date right now." Delia looks at our books. "What kind of date is it when you've got books?." Logan gives her a weak smile. "It's a study date." "Oh, ok. How about later? We could all go see a movie with Lindy  and Garrett", Delia asks with a hopeful smile. 

*Logan's POV

"Oh, ok. How about later? We could all go see a movie with Lindy and Garrett", Delia asks with a hopeful smile. Jasmine and I look at each other. "Uh, yeah...Jasmine and I are actually already going to the movies. We're going on a double date with Lindy and Garrett", I say and I see Delia looking upset. "Oh, okay." She walks away. "Hey, Jaz, can we stop this now? I can't be asked to do this!", I pled and she looks at me, giggling. "Yeah, neither can I. I'm not bothered about studying." I look at her surprised, but smile. "Wow, Jaz. Looks like I have rubbed off on you." She smiles and giggles a little. "I guess you have. It must be good luck in a relationship when your boyfriend rubs off on you." I feel my cheeks burning up with blush. I start to lean into her, until we hear a voice and see that it's Delia...again. "Hey, guys. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you guys were meant to be studying.", she comments with a slight smirk. I sigh. "We've finished. I was just about to take Jasmine out for lunch.". I put my arm around her and she looks at me lovingly before turning to Delia. "Isn't he cute?", Jasmine giggles, snuggling even closer. "No, you are!", I smile. "No, you are!" "No, you are!", we continue only to be interrupted...again! "You guys are gross!", Delia says in obvious announce and I role my eyes. I get out of my seat and offer my hand for Jasmine to take it. She gently holds it, snuggling closer to me as we walk out of Rumble Juice. This is gonna be awesome.

Aw, hope you liked this one. Poor Delia lol 

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