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Hey, guys here's the other Xmas themed shot in honour of it being the 25th. This is set as if Jasmine and Logan hadn't gotten together in The Rescuers, but as if they did in a Christmas episode. 😊

Lindy's POV

Christmas. My favourite time of year. Mistletoe, presents, carol singing and best of all spending time with family and my friends. As it is almost that special time of year, there is one thing I am determined to do - and that is to get Jasmine and Logan together. Delia, Garrett and I all know that they have very strong feelings for each other, I even know Logan loves Jasmine. I figured his feelings for her aren't just a crush, but ,its  love after Logan admitted his feelings for Jasmine the day after dance and I noticed him crying when she left with Owen, when she started dating him. I have never seen my brother so upset, especially over a girl. And I know Jasmine still has feelings for Logan. I realized and figured it out when she said that she and Logan had a moment during a drum lesson, before she cut herself off. To be honest,  it will be a miracle if they do get together, as Jasmine is still with Owen, despite still liking Logan, which is why I have asked Garrett and Delia for help.

*Jasmine's POV

As usual, Garrett, Delia and I are all going over to Lindy and Logan's for Christmas. Although I'm staying there for a few extra days as my parents are going away for time on their own! - Awesome! I just hope things between Logan and I are okay, because we haven't spoken that much since the drum lessons, especially because I realized I still have feelings for him. "Mom, are you ready?! I told Lindy I'd be there in about 10 minutes, lets go!", I yell from the bottom of the stairs. "Alright, darling, I'm coming! Just making sure I have everything!" After another five minutes or so, we finally leave so I text Lindy to tell her I'm on my way. After a little while, I finally arrive and knock on the door, to be welcomed by Logan. "Hey, Jas". I smile. "Hi." We hug for a few seconds we hear "Oooh" and look around, to see our friends there watching us. My face  heats up with blush and Logan and I look at each other, nervously. This is gonna be interesting.

*A couple of hours later, Logan's POV

A little while into the night, after playing games, Lindy comes up with one, I don't wanna play! - truth or dare! "So, Logan. Do you like someone? And if so, who?", Garrett asks with a smirk, Are you kidding me?! Everyone knows  about my crush on Jasmine, except her of course and now they want me to tell her?! Oh my god! I can't! The thing is, she's still with Owen. I can't tell her when she still has a boyfriend. Just thinking about the day I lost Jasmine to Owen makes my heart hurt. I thought she liked me, but I guess she doesn't, and it hurts. "Yes, but I'm not saying." Lindy gives me a worried look. "Garrett, don't force Logan to say who.", she tells him and I give her a small smile She knows I love Jasmine. That's right, I don't like Jasmine, I love her. "Thanks, Linds." She smiles back. "No problem." I look at Garrett. "Now, Garrett." He looks at me shocked. "If you had to choose between Delia or Lindy, who would you rather make out with?", I ask trying not to laugh, His eyes widen at my question. We all look at him and he looks scared to hell. "Uh.....I dunno." I role my eyes, "Come on, pick one. Even if its my sister." He sighs and the girls look at him. "Uh,....both?" All our eyes go wide. "Wow. Thanks Garrett", Delia says obviously sarcastically. I didn't expect that answer from him, especially because he's never had his first kiss. "So, Jas. How are things between you and Owen?", Delia asks. I feel pain in my heart as she asks, especially when Jasmine says, "Great", with a smile. Of course I have to be happy for Jasmine, but its so difficult. Having to hear about her relationship with Owen makes my heart break all over again.

*Lindy's POV

After the truth or dare game, I grab Garrett and Delia to talk to them privately by pulling them into the closet. "Alright, guys, How are we gonna get Jasmine and Logan together? We've only got like an hour until Christmas is over!", I whisper. Both Delia and Garrett put on their 'thinking' faces. I suddenly notice Delia's eyes widen. "I know! I just overheard Jasmine talking with Owen. It didn't sound good. They were arguing and I heard Jasmine telling Owen she still has feelings for Owen and it sounded like they were breaking up!" My eyes widen. Jasmine does still have feelings for Logan! Yes! That means our plan was most likely gonna happen! "Really?! Yay! Okay, but what are we gonna do?" Garrett smirks a little at my question. "I know. Lets leave mistletoe hanging all around the house and make sure they both get caught under it! Then, they'll basically be forced to kiss under it as it's tradition and they can admit their true feelings for each other!" Both mine and Delia's mouth's drop at what Garrett has said. "Wow! Garrett, that's an amazing idea! You know for someone who has never had a girlfriend, you sure know a way to get one!" I see Garrett blush slightly at my comment. Humm, interesting. Operation Jogan is a go!

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