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The lights were neon coloured. The air was filled with the strong smell of alcohol as the vibrant strings of lights beamed upon the masses of young adults drunkenly moving to a controlling beat of a top 40 dance track. Time was moving fast, but the amount of people who had endured the bitter and dull liquid seemed to care less about the moments passing by and instead the beat booming from the nightclub's stereo system.

I looked at the walls of the club and sighed before turning my attention to the people around me. Girls dressed in tight, short dresses which left very little to the imagination. Guys sped across the dance floor desperately in need of a young girl's attention. I rolled my eyes, feeling exhausted of the materialistic views many people seemed to have adapted.

Everything seemed to be moving, except for me and my thoughts as I kept still in my position where I stood.

It was currently half past nine as both Gemma and myself had hung around at a popular club in the city. When she first suggested the idea to celebrate, I was first beyond excited to spend time with my best friend but now that I was here, I was beginning to have second doubts.

Slowly walking on the confetti covered dance floor, I could hear the clicks against the floor as the thin heels underneath my shoes hit the surface as I moved my feet forwards. Looking around the large masses of people moving in a trance like motion to the beat, I felt out of place with the blood red dress I was wearing. It was obvious that I was out of my comfort zone just being here, I would have much preferred to just hung out at home getting ready for work tomorrow.

"Oh there you are Scarlett, I was worried you might have bailed on me already." Gemma distracted me from my thoughts as I quickly turned around. My eyes quickly fixed upon her blonde hair which now had streaks of blue between the layers. I must admit that she was pretty - no, she was absolutely stunning - but it did come as a bit of a shock to see her brand new accessory.

"I didn't but it definitely seems like a bad idea not doing that in the first place." I said letting out a sigh as Gemma wrapped her arm around me.

"Hey, I asked you to come here to enjoy yourself and not stress over your job for a second longer. I understand that you might be uncomfortable but in my opinion, it seems like a beautiful night to let go and try something different for a change."

Sure, being in a room filled with strangers sparkling more on their foreheads than the flashing lights and bodies uncomfortably grinding on each other seems like a beautiful night indeed, I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes before biting my lip.

Maybe I should just enjoy myself for Gemma's sake? She did go to an effort to invite me here tonight and it wasn't like I was going to get up to much doing things for work.

"I'm sorry, you're right. I am a little uncomfortable Gemma and I promise that whilst it will be difficult, I will do my best to enjoy tonight, just for you. I mean I guess it can't be that bad, yeah?" I said, letting a smile appear on my face as the young friend of mine mirrored my action, her pearly white teeth sparkled underneath the vibrant party lights.

"That's my girl right there." Gemma said as she pretended to wipe away tears from her eyes. Gosh, calm down Gem. It's not like I'm getting married or whatever. I muttered in my mind, whilst still keeping that smile on my face.

"On another note, I really do love your hair. It really does suit you. When'd you get that done Gemma?"

"Well, after we left the cafe, I went back to the cafe because I forgot to pick up something for my shift later that night and was talking with the guy at the counter -"

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