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Walking through the security room that was at the club, I felt really nervous since I was told by a few of the boys that maybe the CCTV cameras might be able to help me find out who framed me. Why I didn't think about this earlier was beyond me but I was pretty thankful for my friends who gave me the idea in the first place.

"Ready?" Jordan Roughhead, a player for the Western Bulldogs and the boyfriend of Vanessa asked me as I put on a fake smile and nodded my head. He smiled at me and gestured for me to come in as I walked into the barley lit room trailed by Shane, Easton Wood, Vanessa, Caleb and Toby.

Shane stood by my side and whispered something in my ear that made a cold shiver run down my back.

"Are you alright Scarlett?" He asked me as I shook my head and whispered back to him.

"I don't know, I'm just honestly nervous about what we're going to find or if we're going to find anything." I admitted as Shane intertwined his fingers with mine and put on a sorrow smile.

"Whatever happens Scarlett, just remember we're all right here by your side." He added as I smiled and thanked him, allowing him to loosen his grip and remove his fingers away from mine. I sighed and stood beside Caleb as I could feel my body beginning to tense up.

Easton unlocked the panel and immediately played around with the buttons to see the archives of the video which he found quite quickly, amazing the lot of us who were standing the room.

"Damn, you're really good with this Easton." Toby added as Easton just grinned and spun the keyring around his finger with a smirk forming on his face.

"Oh McLean, the perks of being a stand in captain can be really amazing." He said as both Vanessa and myself let out a chuckle.

"Alright, the two girls and Caleb go on the other side of the room and just go through the videos. Toby, Shane and Easton you can stay on this side of the room. I know it's going to be really tedious but we need to do this for Scarlett's sake. I will patrol the door in case somebody gets noisy and decides to come in." Jordan exclaimed as Caleb Rose his eyebrow.

"There's really people who want to watch security tapes because they're noisy?" Caleb asked confused as Easton nodded.

"Mate, when you've got people like Russell the Cleaner who gets paranoid about literally everything, you'll understand why there needs to be a lookout." Easton explained as Caleb looked around still quite confused about the whole thing.

"Anyway good luck everybody. Regardless of what time might be like, we've got a long while to go until majority of us are meant to be a special late night training tonight." Jordan exclaimed as the footballers in the room groaned.

"Seriously?" Majority of the boys said in unison as Toby stepped forwards.

"C'mon guys, training is training. We can't let that distract us from the real reason we're all here and that's to help Scarlett find out who framed her." He added as Easton nodded his head.

"The kid's right, we need to remain focused on our task here and not let a night time training session keep us unfocused from this task. C'mon everybody, you all know your positions and roles. Take your time looking through everything but honestly guys, we cannot let anything slip through our fingers." Easton added solemnly as we all signaled to him that we were ready and went into our positions before starting to search through the CCTV footage.

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