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Quickening my pace as I walked through the building of Whitten Oval, I done my best to avoid attracting any attention which wouldn't be too difficult since the boys weren't scheduled to have training today as they were heading off to Sydney to verse Greater Western Sydney. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the worst as I got myself in the right headspace seeing as what I was about to do wasn't something I normally would be doing.

During the meeting the squad had in the office on Tuesday, Charlotte was informing us that about the few key players that were significant in this drug scandal. When it was discovered that one of the names that Charlotte got her hands on was now a VFL player for the Western Bulldogs, without hesitation I agreed to get the file. Obviously this raised a couple of eyebrows seeing as I had a strong link to the club with my relationship with Marcus, a high profile player from the dogs becoming public recently but Charlotte argued that this would be a strategy to ensure that the file would be easier to get. Thinking back now to the meeting, I knew now more than ever was that people were depending on me and that my title of a sports journalist was more than that.

As I turned the corner, I immediately felt my body froze when I overheard a voice emerging from behind one of the doors. Quickly scanning the area, I noticed a the photocopier and rushed towards it before squatting down and hid myself behind the large, white machine giving quick and short glances to the empty space of the lobby. Several moments passed when I noticed two figures walking slowly, engaged in some sort of conversation that couldn't have went anymore slower if either of the males tried.

"Oh yes, the game was quite excellent to watch on the weekend. I felt proud that the boys were able to put themselves and work hard towards a victory, especially those amazing handballs by none other than the electrifying Sam Biggs."

They've got to be kidding me? I thought to myself angrily as I felt annoyed that they got such a name wrong. I rolled my eyes and wondered who these people are as I continued listening to their conversation and awaited for the coast to truly be clear.

"That wasn't the best part. The tackles demonstrated by Tim Boyd was truly remarkable, weren't they Bradley?"

Oh for fuck sake, how hard is it to say Tom Boyd, not Tim? God, these pretentious men think they know about football when really all they are just bandwagon fans.

"Oh my god, Greg. That main highlight of that match would defiantly have to be when Marcus Balotelli scored the game winning goal against Rory Sloane." One of the two guys said as I could suddenly feel my body tense up with anger.

He did not just say Balotelli?

He couldn't have said Balotelli, could he?

I could feel my face heat up in anger as I clenched my fist tightly. Sam Biggs annoyed me. Tim Boyd frustrated. But to hear Marcus Balotelli to come out of that peasants mouth made me want to murder someone. Number 1, Bontempelli is a god damn easy last name to pronounce. Number 2, Balotelli is the name of a soccer player. Balotelli is the name of an epl player. I let out a frustrated breath and wondered where this guy learnt his pathetic excuse of Australian Rules knowledge as I mentally prepared for war in my mind.

"Hey, did you hear that Greg?" A voice asked confused as I looked wide eyed at my foot that was now outstretched and the realisation had hit me that my foot had banged against wall.

Shit. I thought to myself, suddenly holding my breath as I heard a couple of footsteps moving towards the photocopier before stopping.

"Hey Brad, I think you're just overreacting. Anyway, we should go get something to eat, I'm bloody starving."

"Yeah, I'm hungry too. Maybe later we can talk about Mitch Hunter seeing as he's most defiantly your man candy monday everyday."

"Mate, that makes literally no sense." One of the males said before walking completely out of sight as I got up from my spot and sighed. I can't believe that there was a bunch of airheads walking around Whitten Oval. How the hell could you get Mitch and Lachie Hunter confused, for starters they both looked entirely different from each other and played different roles on the field. I rolled my eyes and continued walking through the building where I made my way through the locker room and towards a door that read authorised personals only. I stood at the front of the front and paused for a moment, to think about what it was I was actually doing.

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