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"As you may know, we at The Melbourne Autograph take great pride in both our readers and the high quality of news that is produced continually within these walls. But there is nothing more important than the people behind the news that is covered and delivered to the public and for that I thank everybody here for doing the best that they can to ensure that the masses know what's happening both locally, nationally and worldwide." Derrick said as the whole room erupted in loud cheers and whistles. Today was a random work gathering as organised by Derrick who said it was an important time as he had some news delivered.

The entire staff of The Melbourne Autograph had gathered this afternoon for some big meeting that Derrick wanted to have. Personally I didn't complain since he was a man that would do anything to keep all the journalists up to date with what was going on. I could none of us really had an issue with the entire event, with the exception of Kyle of course and Madeline, who no matter how much she would try to avoid it, I just knew she had an issue with being pulled away from her work with such short notice. 

I shuffled in my seat as I kept my attention on Derrick who proudly stood in front of us wearing probably a somewhat expensive suit. He wore a bright smile upon his face as he continued his ingesting but confusing speech about the workplace and the agency.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Kyle awkwardly sitting on the seat as he folded his arms and tried his best to look as gangster as he could. Well, he could try all he could but really he wasn't doing much to fool anyone. I still kept my attention on the brown haired journalist who continually pulled his beanie over his eyes and away from his eyes, causing Tyler, the guy sitting next to him to mutter something angrily under his breath.

"I've called you all here today to announce some important news that I think and believe that many of you will be excited to hear. First off, we have a couple of interns beginning work here in a few weeks so I would like you to make them feel as welcome as you possibly can and help them be guided through the beginnings of their careers." He said as I felt a whisper on my ears.

"Oh whohoo!" Tyler or Kyle, shouted from beneath the crowd as Derrick let out a nervous laugh, gesturing with his hands for the journalists sitting in front of him to settle down.

"Alright Autograph reporters. Please, there's no need for that kind of behaviour. I know how willing you are to get back to work so I will be as quick as I can yeah?" Derrick spoke out in defence as Madeline rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"What do you think this meetings about?" Madeline whispered softly in my ears. Sitting in the middle of the other workers, we were relieved that we wouldn't have been caught for chatting whilst our boss was talking. I know it was rude but I couldn't help but be in the know of the office time gossip.

"I don't know, probably the interns? I mean Derrick did just say that right now." I guessed as she rolled her eyes once again. It was obvious that she was bothered with my answer, guess someone must of woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

"But why wouldn't he just let us know whilst we were working our assignments or whatever? I mean someone of us actually have work to do, unlike the boss himself." Madeline asked as I just shrugged my shoulders and continued listening to Derrick's speech. It was about five minutes into the speech when I unfolded my arms, awaiting for Derrick to announce whatever it was he wanted to.

"I would now like to welcome a very special person to the stage. This person who I am about to call on stage is honestly one of the best workers I've seen to come into this agency. Highly intelligent, dedicated, compassionate and the list just keeps going on. Could you all please give a warm welcome to our brand new junior sports reporter, Scarlett Wilde."

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