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The world I was used to wasn't as fast paced as one would expect. The world I endured wasn't as glamorous as it was made out on television. A mouse flickered on and off continuously as I was correcting an article on some elderly couple stared back at me, awaiting for me to make the next edit. Everybody sat around me, looking engaged with their own work. When Derrick had first made it clear that I was getting a promotion as a junior sports reporter, I had to admit that I was pretty excited as it meant that I was allowed to report on my own information that I gathered myself, as well as not having to spend another tedious second commiting to such mundane stories.

I didn't hate the job I started off with but I didn't exactly love it as well. Sitting behind a desk and correcting articles of the most pointless nature wasn't what I had my hopes set upon working with. A sigh slipped from my lips as I turned my attention back onto the much pointless article I had been assigned. I get that people were interested with keeping up to date with the community, but was it really a newsworthy story to publish about two people having a grumble about a mistake the council made?

But the most confusing thing about this entire promotion was when Derrick mentioned that my first major news assignment was to interview an Australian Rules Footballer, which was a little nerve wracking. Clearly, I wasn't fazed by the striking good looks that a lot of the public spoke highly of - although, I had to admit there were quite a few players with unforgettable features - but that wasn't what my main concern was. The reason of my concern; the type of player I would get for my first major assignment. If I got someone who has been known to be respectable during interviews, I'd have no issue. But if I was to draw the short straw and get someone who has been known to have a negative reputation then the interview process would be a rather long time coming.

Keeping a low profile, I trailed my eyes over to the otherside of the office where I noticed Kyle follow the big boss around simairly like a dog off a leash.

I watched sitting at my cubicle, darting my eyes in the direction they pair of them were going. Derrick slowly walked past the other workers, I suppose making sure everything was in order just like any other person in charge would. Kyle on the other hand had an angered expression upon his face as well had the word "arrogant" written right across his face. That was the thing about Kyle Wood, he was rather intelligent in his field, but had some of the worst traits a person could develop. Narcissistic. Ungreatful. Pretentious, the list could continue to roll on forever. I rolled my eyes, annoyned as I watched the brown haired journalist toss his head upwards still being ignored by Derrick.

When would that boy realise the world wasn't always about him?

I could feel Derrick's gaze upon me as I turned around and let out a simple hello. He looked at the computer and then back at me.

"You don't need to be working so hard Scarlett, you've already done quite a few article corrections already and plus, remember what I spoke to you about this morning?" He said with a smile upon his face.

"Well I just wanted to get my work done and start off fresh before getting into anything new." I replied as I looked over at Kyle who seemed to be looking rather irritated at me.

"Just don't stress yourself out Scarlett, you know how much I care about the wellbeing of all my staff. Oh yeah and about your assignment there's a couple of things I'll need to confirm with you. Also there's a brief introduction you'll need to make for legal reasons and whatnot. I'll see you about that a little later but hope you have a good afternoon." He said before continuing his overview of the others working in the office.

"You don't need to be working so hard Scarlett, you've already done quite a few article corrections already." Kyle muttered mocking Derrick as he lent across my table. I rolled my eyes and looked up at the tall colleague in front of me. He was the stupid one for mocking his own boss who was pretty close by.

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