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Getting off the phone with Charlotte, I couldn't help but think about the events of last night. My unfortunate aftermath of a hallucination I barley had much recollection of and of course, the unfavourable kiss I shared with McLean because neither one of us was thinking. The good thing was that it was a brand new day that hopefully could be better than the last. Walking down the steps of the oval headquarters or the main offices of Whiten Oval, I could feel the coldness against my face as I kept on walking, my hands in the pockets of my black sports jacket. Tugging at the front of the zip, I let out a slight cough before trying my best to ignore the frosty mornings that Melbourne was used to producing.

Reading through my text messages, I felt annoyed that I had bothered in the first place seeing as there wasn't much that was necessary for me. The texts on my lock screen were Twitter notifications about people asking about my relationship with Marcus, Derrick probably questioning me once again on my choices of people I date and a few telling me I had missed calls from Toby. I mean, yeah it was sweet that the boy was trying to see how I was doing but right now, I was still trying to unravel my mind from the events of last night. I locked my phone and put it back in my pocket before zipping it up and heading towards the parking lot to start work when I noticed Luke casually walking to training. Wearing a pair of black sunglasses and puma cap, he fixed the strap of his sports bag as I made my way over to him.

"You heading over to training I take it Luke?" I asked as he just shook his head and continued walking towards the oval. "Hey, I don't think you heard me Luke. I asked you about your training -"

"Honestly, you've got a hell of a lot of a guts hanging around here." He snapped at me, stopping within his step as he lifted his sunglasses onto of his cap to reveal a face of disgust.


"Oh, so you're playing the innocent act now, aren't ya? Well you know what Scarlett, you aren't fooling me at all. How dare you think that going behind your boyfriends back is the right way to sort out your relationship -"

"Listen here Luke. I have no idea what kind of things they teach you at training but whatever you're implying is absolute nonsense. What the hell makes you think I would be going behind my own boyfriends back?" I asked confused as to what he thinks his game is with his statement. Angrily, he dropped his sports bag on the floor and folded his arms as I stared at him feeling completely targeted by Marcus' friend.

"I know about your little stunt you pulled the other -"

"My business with Marcus isn't any of your business Luke -"

"It sure as hell is when you're constantly trying to go behind his back and get with his teammate instead." He yelled as I looked at him in complete shock. Whatever it was that Luke heard is in no way true or near it. Looking down at the ground angrily, I turned to face him as he just shook his head, the anger was evident in his face.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked him, a snarl like tone could be heard in my voice as I moved closer towards him.

"Michael told me everything Scarlett, absolutely everything. So this is what Marcus gets for allowing you into his life, is it now? Just because you have one little fight with him, you decide that it's okay for you to try to bed his teammate, right?" He asked angrily as I was speechless at hearing what was making Luke so mad. Apparently Michael knew more about me than I knew myself and according to Luke, I'm the one who should be ashamed of myself.

"I never did anything to get back at Marcus if that's what you're accusing me of Luke. Michael's lying, why aren't you waking up to yourself and listening to the bullshit that is coming out of his mouth?"

Smoke and Mirrors (Smoke #1)Where stories live. Discover now