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a/n: step right in and buckle up as you'll be taken on a wild ride (read on and you'll know I'm defiantly not kidding). quick thing, remember that everything I write here is completely fictional, so that means because I write a character a certain why that doesn't mean that's the way it is in real life. thank you, now please enjoy the story :)

Standing at the front of Marcus' doorstep, I took a deep breath in as I tried to think as clearly as I could. I had to admit that him calling up just to check up on me was really sweet, something that no guy has ever done for me in the past. I flattered the creases on my dress and took another deep breath out, knocking a couple of times on the wooden white door.

This was only a simple visit, so why was I suddenly becoming nervous?

I knocked the door once again, assuming that Marcus was finishing up with things for the club when the door suddenly swung open and I caned faced with a rather angry face. Once again, Michael stared at me quite angrily as he lent his against the door as he moved slightly closer towards me, his eyes slightly squinted.

"Uh I'm sorry but I thought the interview period was over? You done the interview with Marcus, had a small tour of the club and got your attention, is there anything else you needed?" He remarked rudely as I rolled my eyes trying my best to keep my cool.

"I'm not here as part of work, I'm here to see Marcus."

"Oh yeah, bring your 'interview subject' into this. I don't know why but it's always you guys doing whatever you can to scoop a story out of us, isn't it? Let me guess, The Melbourne Autograph is doing quite badly so they sent you to do their dirty work and sell more papers?"

At this point, I really wanted to slap Michael. I've been nothing but nice towards him and yet here is treating me like I was a stranger, like I was a hazard just being here. I crossed my arms, feeling angered by his pathetic greeting when as calmly as I could spoke up.

"I'm here to see Marcus, not to scoop anybody for a story as you call it. He called me here, so I expect Marcus, not some arrogant idiot who thinks the world revolves around him." I bitterly defended myself as I overheard Marcus' voice from behind Michael.

"Oi, what's taking so long Talia? Who's that at the door?" He shouted before making his way towards and letting a smile spread across his face, shoving Michael away.

"Hey Scarlett, I'm glad that you could come over. It sucks that we didn't get a proper chance to meet up at party last time." He said as he allowed me inside, closing the door. Stepping into his house, I felt amazed at the decor of the house. Everything was so perfectly organised and went well with the colour scheme of the house. I looked around and felt like I was intruding in such beauty.

"Woah, your house is absolutely amazing. Do you live here with anyone else or just you?"

"Thanks, actually this is my parents house. They live here as well as my sisters. But since they all went on holidays I got the whole place to myself. Oh yeah and he isn't living here so I guess that's what makes the house shine."

"Hey, that's a bit harsh Marcus." Talia said from the couch as he turned his head, holding a can of beer in his hand. I bit my lip, avoiding saying anything insulting towards Michael, for Marcus' sake.

"Whatever. Anyway, we'll leave this one here and head outside. I wanna hear how you're feeling." He said as he guided me to the backyard which was just as beautiful as the inside of the house. We took our seats on the chairs that were on the patio as I looked out into the distance, admiring the vibrant green of the grass.

"So I don't mean to annoy you but honestly, how are you feeling?" He asked me as I looked into his brown coloured eyes. As much as the question got irritating, I honestly didn't mind him asking another time.

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