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Sitting in my office, I began finishing up an article I was doing on the under 18s championships that was currently underway. Even with everything that was going on, I still managed to pop by the few matches of Division 1 and Devision 2 that were held at stadiums around Melbourne. Bringing up images of the gameplay I took whilst I was at the game on the computer, I couldn't help but smile as I came across a picture of Andrew McGrath, a player from Vic Metro who was voted best on ground after his team won against Western Australia.

It felt nice to hear stories about young people, who've put in hard work which is now paying off since the national drafts are a few months away.

As I began cropping in the picture of the young football potential, the door quickly swung open which revealed an angered looking Derrick, who slammed the door shut behind him.

"Derrick, what are you doing?" I asked as he removed his hands away from the door and stood facing the wooden frame in silence. My heart began to race as I began to wonder what he was planning to do. I slowly closed the lid of my laptop when he rose his head upwards, his eyes squinting at me in anger.

"I hope you remember my conversation we had several weeks ago?"

"Oh how could I not?" I retorted back smartly as Derrick rolled his eyes and within an instance, slammed his hands against the table. I could feel myself jump as he leant closer towards the table.

"You really shouldn't continue dating that maniac Mar -"

"Just stop already Derrick, because you're really starting to piss me off now. What difference does it make if I date Marcus or anyone else for that matter?" I asked as he folded his arms and pressed his lips together.

"Because you should be dating me Scarlett, someone who understands what it's like to live the life of a journalist."

"You never have understood me Derrick and you probably never will -"

"I am your boss Scarlett, someone who has worked with you for the last three years. Of course I fucking understand you, I too am a journalist and I was just like you when I was your age."

"Do you not hear yourself Derrick, you're an insane man. Unfourtnatly for me, you're my boss. What makes you think that I would even think, about be in a relationship with you?"

"So I take it you're still in a relationship with that pathetic footballer huh?"

"The only pathetic one is you Derrick. I don't know why you are so against him but really it isn't any of your business. We are in a relationship and there isn't anything you can do about it."

"That's a shame my dear beloved, because I could have taught you so much about the world around you, not just continue to always talk about the monstrous things you always report on."

"What exactly are you implying?" I cautiously asked, wondering what on earth he was going to say.

"Nothing Scarlett, it's nothing actually. I am just saying someone in your occupation should be reporting on real issues of the world, not that crap you've spent writing about over the last few years. Nobody gives two shits about which player scores the most goal or who's eligible for some fucking medal that's going to get tossed away at the end of the year -"

"I would watch what you say Derrick!"

"- Or what? You gonna get your hotshot boyfriend to come beat me up? Or you going to get his filthy teammates to attack me? Oh wait! Even better, you should totally invite those under 18 players you done your report on this week, they could try breaking a bone on me. I bet you would really like that, wouldn't you Scarlett? Some weak and pathetic footballer cause me pain, am I right? Because that isn't going to fucking happen Scarlett, I am not scared of him. I am not scared of anybody that you send up to me." Derrick yelled as I stared back at him, clutching my hand in a fist, filled with anger as it spread through my body like a wildfire.

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