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"Gather round everyone." Charlotte said hurriedly as she walked towards us. I sat on the office chair feeling the guilt spread through my body as I checked my phone. I could hardly believe how such a beautiful time with Marcus could turn into something so treacherous. How could I even think to just leave Marcus behind on his own without a text? I felt stupid knowing that I had managed to walk out the room after sleeping with the poor boy. I sighed, beginning to type an apology text to him seeing it was already 10:30. As pointless as it was, I prayed to myself that the text would at least get me half forgiven.

The team of Charlotte's had all arrived here at around 4 to where we started our investigation on the alleged drug scandal and we were required to continue to do our research on the scandal until later on this afternoon.

"Please get off your phones and get yourself ready for the big day ahead of us." Charlotte said as I ignored her still staring blankly at my phone. I could hear Charlotte say something but honestly I was more interested in sending Marcus this text. Just as I was about to hit send, my eyes suddenly trailed on the thick, black mass moving upwards from my hands. It began apparent to me that the black mass was actually my phone being snatched from my hands.

"No." I shouted as I tried to grab the phone from Charlotte's hands but felt my cheeks starting to warm up in embarrassment when I tragically missed. I slid back in my seat as she looked down at me in disappointment.

"Miss Wilde, I'm sorry I had to do this to you but I really need you all to keep your focus on what I'm about to say. I am not happy that you've decided to be more invested in that damn phone than in me." She said as she passed me a yellow folder before moving to the rest of the group to hand them their own coloured folders.

Great, guess I was going to have to text Marcus at a more later stage.

Sighing, I pushed away my thoughts about the text and turned my attention to the yellow folder as Charlotte had gone to the front of the group after handing out all the folders.

"I think I'm pretty sure that I have found a lead to prove that this alleged drug scandal is actually the real deal. Now, I want you all to sit back and take in everything you hear from the tape that I'm about to play." She said as she grabbed a black recorder and put in on the table near us as the five of us gathered around the black machine. Charlotte lent against the table holding an opened whiteboard marker in her hands, her arms folded as she began gazing around the room. Olivia pressed the button as we all held our breaths, awaiting for the tape to commence. The first few seconds sounded grainy as if the tape was broken but suddenly the sound turned clearer.

"I got the paperwork for what you wanted Mr Cartwright."

"Thank you. Did anyone see you?"

"No, I don't think so. Are you sure that this stuff is safe for not only the players but uh for us."

"What's that meant to mean Junior?"

"Mr Cartwright, do you have any idea what they can do to us if they find out about the stuff we're using? Who knows if this here even fits in with the anti doping agenda -"

"Keep your voice down kid, we don't need any noisy person asking us any questions. And even if it doesn't fit with the agenda what are they going to do? We've got plenty of people who have our backs with this. This is what is needed for the future of the club."

The last sound was of the mysterious man on the tape popping the b, before the video came to a complete end. The five of us all looked up to each other in complete silence. Although none of us said an absolute word, the silence was enough for us to know that this had gotten serious.

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