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"How does this dress look?" I asked the billionth time as Gemma rolled her eyes and stated that the bright pink dress I held in my hand was just as good as the other several frocks I spent my time looking at.

We were currently dress hunting at a small boutique in a shopping centre somewhere in North Melbourne. When I told Gemma about the shopping she happily agreed to come with me but now that I kept changing my mind about the dress I wanted to wear for the party, I could tell she was beginning to lose her patience with me.

The bright pink dress I held in my hand earlier before was now pushed between a group of frocks on the clothing racks as I could hear Gemma let out a sigh of annoyance. I sighed looking down at the ground before looking back at her.

"Maybe we'll just take 10 minutes. I'm really having no luck with finding a nice dress so there's no point wasting the rest of the time skimming through clothes that I already know I won't want."

"Cool." She said as we said goodbye to the sales woman and made our way out the store. I could tell Gemma was staring at me but I really didn't want to say anything in case she was going to ask anything I wasn't up for answering.

"So this dress of yours Scarlett, what exactly is the special occasion? Is there a work function or something going on. You know I could help you with finding a dress with the endless amounts of stores I know about."

"Thank you for the help, hopefully I'll find something. Don't worry, I just wanted to buy a dress, that's really it." I said shrugging my shoulders as Gemma scoffed, stopping me in my step.

"C'mon, you to be just randomly just be buying outfits because you feel like it? Scarlett, you prefer everything to be in order and organised. Spontaneously buying clothes isn't exactly an everyday activity for you."

"Fine, you got me Gemma. I bought you here to help me pick out an outfit for a gathering I was invited to next week."

"What? You were invited to something and you didn't tell me? Scarlett, spill the details because the suspense is killing me girl."

"At the interview Luke Dahlhaus invited me to a club gathering for the beginning of the season. It's really no big deal."

"No big deal? What the hell, Scarlett you were invited to a football party and you think it's not a big deal, how and why? Nevermind that, who else is going to be there? Where's it at?"

"Basically the whole team and some of the boys girlfriends' I assume. The party's being held at Micheal Talia's girlfriend's place since it's big enough to fit everybody in."

"Micheal is hot, he seems like a nice guy." Gemma exclaimed aloud as I just nervously bit my lip and let out a laugh. Thankful Gemma didn't notice and continued on with the conversation.

"Why didn't you tell me about the party because I think I know the perfect place where to get your dream dress from."

"Where?" I asked, my eyes lighting up the moment I overheard dream dress escaping her lips. She smiled and pulled me towards the opposite end of the shopping centre.

"Trust me Scarlett, you'll see for yourself in a moment." She said already dragging me into yet another boutique.


Shifting past the various choices of beautiful and stunning dresses, I could feel my heart race as my eyes trailed on a gorgeous sparkling mini dress. I couldn't help myself as I began to squeal I'm excitement. Gemma rushed over to me, as I lifted the dress in front of her eyes as we both began to squeal, joyfully hugging each other filled with happiness. The other costumer eyes fell upon us but we could hardly care.

Smoke and Mirrors (Smoke #1)Where stories live. Discover now