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I slowly begun taking off my cardigan and plopped myself on the black leather couch in my apartment before picking up the freshly made cup of mocha. Taking a sip of the warm, creamy liquid, I allowed the warm sensation to rush down my throat, letting out a subtle moan. Picking up the remote from the table in front of me, I ignored Gemma's rather irritating stare as I switched the TV on and started watching an episode of Criminal Minds as I sat lent back on the couch and tried my hardest to enjoy my free time.

The seconds passed by and I could still feel Gemma's wide eyes feeding into my soul. I rolled my eyes and took another sip of my coffee before putting the cup down and sighing. I turned my attention on Gemma who, not surprisingly, still kept her focus on me.

"What?" I blurted out as he I watched in silence Gemma raise her eyebrows.

"So? Tell me what happened in Williamstown."

"What are you talking about?"

"The interview you had today. What happened? How'd it go? Which lucky footballer did you end up interviewing?"

"Just slow down, please." I pleaded with her. I knew she was going to mention it eventually but not this quickly. I sighed and turned my attention to her before putting on a smile.

"Okay but who'd you get? I wanna know if I'm going to be hearing wedding bells soon and attending the birth of your six children." She asked shyly as I almost choked on the air. Boy, did that escalate really quickly. I thought to myself, pulling my hair up in a ponytail.



"It's fine, but seriously the interview went alright. I don't even know why I was panicking in the first place. Like I met him at a restaurant and asked him a bunch of questions that were important about his career, his draft days and so on."

"Ooh fancy, it sounds like you both had a great time. So, who was the person you interviewed?"

"Marcus Bontempelli." I added as Gemma soon went quite all of a sudden before smirking. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back on the television to where another episode of Criminal Minds had just begun.

"Scarlett, don't get me wrong but I think this is fate." She casually added as I looked over at her and raised an eyebrow.


"Well duh. First you meet him and things don't go aswell as they should have. Now, you've interviewed him. I'm pretty sure that that's fate's way of telling you something."

"Yeah, that my friends' a wacko."

"No seriously Scarlett, why else would you be meeting up with him for another time?"

"Uh, maybe because it's my job, Derrick asked me to -"

"Hm, it definitely sounds like fate to me." She said as we continued watching the episode. I understood where she was coming from and thought it made sense but seriously, does she think it's the universes way of telling us signs? God, just give me a break, I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes before getting ready to say something to Gemma. Just as I was about to open my mouth, my phone begun ringing as I let out a groan of irritation.

"You expecting a phonecall?" Gemma asked as I rolled my eyes once again.

"No." I said before grabbing out my phone and answering the call.

"Hello, is this Scarlett Wilde?" The deep voice on the opposite end of the line spoke aloud. I was lost as I couldn't quite work out who the strange voice belonged to me. From the corner of my eye, I could see Gemma gesturing me as to who was on the phone as I shrugged my shoulders.

Smoke and Mirrors (Smoke #1)Where stories live. Discover now