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a/n: yes, I know that the boys played GWS like two weeks ago but there was
a few pre written chapters I wrote during the week they were to play the match; this chapter obviously included. just please go with the flow as things fit together the way they're written and of course the book isn't exactly based on the fixture itself x

It was the final training session for the boys before their big game against Greater Western Sydney on Sunday. The big hype surrounding the match was that the two teams versing each other were fighting to keep or gain the third place spot on the ladder. How important this was for both The Giants and The Dogs was enough to make anybody nervous, including myself. Texting back Kyle a message back regrading the investigation, I put my phone away and turned my attention onto the boys in front of me who were no doubt training hard in order to nab that third place spot from Greater Western Sydney.

"Oh god, I really hope the boys win this seeing how big of a deal it for everyone." Abby said kindly as we all nodded our head in agreement. Sitting with me right now was Abby, Crystal and Vanessa as well as two new inclusions in our social group for today, Caleb and another player from the team, Toby McLean. Whilst it was training today, Caleb managed to sneak away to chat with us and Toby on the other hand was sitting out today as he was still recovering from a injury gotten from the last game against Melbourne.

"Of course they're going to win Abby, the boys are really talented and skilful with the ball and plus, they know when to really put in a fight during a match." Vanessa said as Abby looked over at her nervously. She sighed and turned to face the boys who were right now doing kicking drills.

"I really do hope that you're right Vanessa, but looking at the way they've recently been playing and the points they've been scoring I just don't know what to think anymore, especially since they've now got their young guns playing at a really high level, which obviously includes Jacob Hopper."

"Oh, he's a real hottie that Jacob." Crystal said, as her eyes lit up in complete happiness. I rolled my eyes and chuckled, not because of the comment she made but because I felt that Jacob could be a better match for Crystal than Michael was being right now, actually anybody else would be better for Crystal than Michael.

"Haven't you got Michael with ya at the moment?" Toby asked as he looked up with his arms folded and gave a cheeky look resulting in Crystal rolling her eyes.

"Shut up Toby." She joked as Toby just laughed, all of us turning our attention onto the training once more. It was nice to see him smiling after seeing the constant bickering and rudeness he received from several of the Melbourne players last week. I understood that it was all apart of the match but there's a really fine line between a fiery player and complete dick. Still concentrating on the training, Marcus and Jake were jogging up to where we were. Jake and Abby were conversing as he greeted all of us whilst Marcus drank out of his water bottle.

"Hey babe, how's it going out there?" I asked as he looked at me whilst drinking from the bottle before removing the blue, plastic away from his face and rolled his eyes.

"I'm surprised you even bothered to show up today." He said sarcastically as he took another sip from the water bottle and spat the water from his mouth onto the ground.

"Of course I showed up Marcus, I came here to support the boys for their match against the Giants. I came here to support you." I said confused as he placed the bottle on the ground.

"Of course you did Scarlett, of course you came to support me just like the other night you came to support me." He spat out quite bitterly as I was taken back by his choice of words.

"Hey Marcus, why are you suddenly giving Scarlett shit? She only said hi to you."

"Just stay out of this Toby, nobody asked for your damn input in this." Marcus angrily said to Toby as Jake suddenly stepped in, looking confused.

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