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After Marcus had left to go get changed, I spent the remainder of the morning watching the rest of the bulldog boys continue their training as many of them went over various warm ups, handballing drills and a couple of kicking practice drills. I felt pretty pumped to be watching the boys train. Since becoming a journalist a few years back, I hardly found the time to watch a lot of the games but growing up I had always admired this club for values they always show - whether it be on the field or even off the field in some instances.

I was able to catch up with Mitch, Luke and Jackson several times during the training, exchanging phone numbers with them. It was probably against work policy but honestly they seem like they were going to be great friends to be around with, so really what did it matter anyway?

Throughout the course of the training session, I also had the chance to meet up with the rest of the club which was exciting. They all seemed like a bunch of amazing men and I had wished them the best with their career and beyond. Right now, I was lent against the silver railings that surrounded the oval. The heat had picked up even more and I was already beginning to break out in a sweat. I let out a sigh of exhaustion and wiped away the bead of sweat that emerged suddenly upon my forehead. My mouth was dry and already I could feel my skin really start to warm up.

I scrolled through Instagram, liking and scrolling past various of pictures. I noticed one of my pictures that I had previously posted earlier had already gained a bit of attention with a number of likes and comments underneath the photograph of Marcus and myself.

@swxlde17: thank you for amazing club visit, i look forward to another brilliant session from the boys, especially this guy over here. #thefantasticno4

I smiled knowing that this photo would always remind me of the wonderful memories that was bought about during the club visit and I had nobody more than Derrick to thank.

"So I don't exactly know why you're here but I'm guessing you aren't a fan of us huh?" An unfamiliar voice crept up from behind me. I looked up and noticed a guy, presumably another player from the Bulldogs, who was decked out in the club's uniform and had combed back brown hair.

"Actually I'm a supporter if that's what you're inferring but no I'm not here as a fan. I'm here as part of my job duties. Hey, you're Michael right? Michael Talia?" I asked, watching the smile on his face grow as he extended his arm out.

"Yes, that's me. I know your name obviously because Luke introduced you to us boys but that's about all I know." He said nervously starching his head. Right now I felt a little unsettled when it came to Michael, yes I know he could play football and he was obviously apart of the team but there was just something not right about him.

"It's nice to know that I'm getting acknowledgement with my job." I said politely as the smile on his face instantly disappeared and was replaced with a puzzled expression.

"Acknowledgement in your job? Are you an up and coming coach? You play football or any sport? Or are you possibly a sport scientist?"

"Uh none of those jobs Michael, sorry about that -"

"So then why exactly are you hanging around the club? Sorry, I'm still a little stressed out with training and things."

"I'm covering a new story for The Melbourne Autograph, you know like a reporter?"

"So you're a journalist?"

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