[ 14 ]

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Sitting in my office, I couldn't help but feel anxious about the release of my interview with Marcus. On one hand I was excited that this was a chance to get noticed in the industry, although on the other I was honestly dreading the release date which according to Derrick was no less than about a couple of days away.

I began typing away on my laptop, researching any new ideas for topics that I report on for the next couple of weeks and took notes on what would be good. The Formula 1 was coming up and I also knew that The Rugby competitions would be going on soon as well as local sporting competitions were soon being planned and held throughout the community. Knowing what was happening wasn't the issue, it was knowing what to report on that was the main concern. I finished typing up a couple of notes before closing the lid of my laptop and clasping my fingers together. I looked at the calendar on my desk and saw that Luke's party was upcoming soon and knew I needed to head out and buy some new clothes. I made a mental note to remind myself to invite Gemma for a shopping trip. I then put down the pencil and stared into the distance.

During the club interview, I thought Shane Biggs was actually pretty sweet. Sure he wasn't the type to smile much but when he did it was actually a beautiful sight. And the way he spoke he sounded very professional as well as very intelligent. He was pretty good looking too, but did that really mean anything?

I leant back on my seat and wondered if it was just the nerves for the article talking because there was honestly no way a footballer - let alone any athlete - be interested in a girl like me, especially since a lot of people show a lot of disgust towards journos.

Damnit Michael, he's got me paranoid as anything now. I thought to myself, gazed worryingly out the window.

My thoughts immediately became distracted when Kyle swooped through my office with the same pathetic smug I was used to seeing for the past year.

"Ah, good afternoon Miss Wilde. Isn't the weather looking rather marvellous this afternoon?" He asked me suddenly turning his smug into a kind of smile.

"Woah there Mr Sunshine, what's happened to Kyle Woods? Has he been abducted by aliens or something?"

"Very funny Wilde, now are you going to answer my question?" He asked in a demanding tone as I crossed my arms together and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah yeah, the weather's great. The weather's beautiful. What do you actually want Kyle?"

"To spread the news to my dearest, dearest friend Scarlett. Is it a crime to do so?"

"Well yes, considering you are criminally insane."

"You're so full of it aren't you Scarlett?" He asked as I chuckled enjoying the annoyance I'm producing in front of him.

"Anyway I got a date." He finished his sentence as almost chocked the cup of coffee I was drinking and burst out hysterically making him appear even angrier.

"A date? You going on a date? How much did you have to pay her to pretend to be interested in you?"

"Piss off. I am a pretty desirable man that any lady would fall head over heels for -"

"Yeah, falling head over heels trying to run away from you."

"- I'm being serious Scarlett." He said as I held in my laughter before turning my laughter into shock. I couldn't believe it, Kyle Woods going on a date.

"Wow. So give me the details since I'm assuming that's why you're here anyway?"

"My pleasure Miss Wilde. Her name's Heather and she is the hottest girl I've seen. And she's only four years younger than me." He excitedly exclaimed as I squinted at him, feeling concerned about his date.

"Picture? And before you ask me it's obvious you two meet through Tinder. You better not have an excuse as to why you don't have a photograph." I said as he rolled his eyes.

"Okay one, since when am I ever on Tinder? And two, why are you so concerned about my potential girlfriend, are you jealous that I'm finally off the market?"

"Kyle. When aren't you on Tinder, just last week Derrick caught you on the stupid app when you were meant to be doing your work and that's just disgusting Kyle, I'm pretty sure every girl on this planet is thankful that you're off the market."

"Shut up Scarlett." He said as he held up his phone in front of me. I grabbed it and looked at the profile of the young woman who supposedly is going on a date with the king of jerks. I squinted my eyes taking a closer look at the photograph.

There was something not right about the profile.


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"Heather. 20. Melbourne. Looking for long term relationship. Hit me up if you know how to have a good time." I read aloud. Suddenly I had a lightbulb moment, I took another inspection at the profile photo. The girl had long blonde hair, brown eyes and thick lips. The moment I realised where I'd seen the girl in the photograph, I automatically started laughing.

"She's hot yeah?"

"Kyle, that's not why I'm laughing. Do you know who your so called girlfriend is? She's an actress."

"Damn that's hot -"

"Kyle, I don't mean it that way. I meant that the girl you think is attractive isn't who you think she is. Her names Kassandra Clementi. She's an actress on Home and Away and is currently in a relationship with Chris Brown."

"What? She's dating Chris Brown? Smh, the r&b singer is obviously not her type!"

"Sorry. Dr Chris Brown." I said as Kyle began to fume. I forced myself to hold back my laughter after discovering that he'd been catfished.

"Who the hell is that?" He asked as I searched up an article and handed back his phone as he snatched it out of my hands. His eyes widened as he quickly turned to face me as I apologised.

"Really, she's hooking up with that guy. He reminds me of a piece of wood my grandmother has in her backyard. I would have made a better boyfriend than that doctor!" He aggressively spoke as he shoved his phone back in his pocket. 

"Heather's missing out a great guy, it's her loss that she's chosen a vet over me."


"Same shit Scarlett, same shit." He added as I still continued to hold back my laughter.

Smoke and Mirrors (Smoke #1)Where stories live. Discover now