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Right now I was on the couch watching an episode of The Real Housewives of Melbourne at Marcus' house. I laid on his torso as he had his arm over me, feeling me with a heap of joy. Whilst I had a stressful last few couple of days, somehow Marcus had made me forget about the chaotic events I recently faced.

Of course I knew that sooner or later, I was going to need to bravely face up to these things but the distraction was a nice addition to the turmoil, especially seeing as Marcus was the distraction; who wouldn't want a guy as amazing as is being added to a distraction within their life?

I took a salty chip from the green bag and ate it as I could feel a kiss upon my forehead. I looked up at him as I noticed Marcus put on a dorky smile, which made me giggle.

"You're such an adorable guy, you know that?" I asked him softly as he nodded his head.

"So I've been told." He said we both went back to the show. Currently it was the episode when the women went on holidays to Dubai. My eyes were glued on the screen when Gina and Pettiflyer when arguing and I don't know how it had happened but the moment when Gina unexpectedly shouted and swore like crazy, I could feel Marcus jump out of his seat.

"What happened?"

"Damn, these women are really feisty. Especially Gina, she's a total boss." He said as he looked at me which I burst out in tears, laughing.

"What?" He asked as I just shook my head.

"Your reaction when Gina and Pettiflyer were arguing was really hilarious."

"Good hilarious or bad hilarious?"

"Good Marcus, always good hilarious." I said as he just chuckled and immediately I could feel my insides beginning to warm up. I just couldn't explain it but everytime I heard his adorable chuckle I could feel myself feeling at ease. His breathtaking laugh was like music to my ears honestly and I wouldn't trade any of it for the world.

"I'm glad that you enjoyed me startled Scarlett." He added with a sarcastic tone causing me to let out a chuckle. I soon noticed him looking down at me and became quiet.


"Nothing, it's just that everyday I find something new that I love about you." Marcus admitted as my cheeks became hot, making me feel flustered with his comment.

"I'm surprised that I'm still able to make you do that."

"Do what?" I asked, biting my lip nervously as Marcus gestured to me.

"That." He said as we both laughed. It went silent between us as I found our eyes locking onto each other's. My heart raced as the warm rays of sunlight beamed down on me from the window near us. The television was still playing in the background but I could feel it fading away as both Marcus and I continued to stare into each other's eyes. His fingers crept along my jawline as he began stroking my cheeks, softly, a cold shiver running down my back as he leant forwards a little. I could feel his minty breath brushing against my face as he stared at me with a serious expression on his face.

"I love you Scarlett." He said before slowly placing his lips upon mine, making my body become filled with a kind of energy that reminded me of fireworks. He slowly began to kiss my lips which went on for a while before he released and he held me by the waist as he laid himself on the couch and pulled me forward. My heart was racing but I really didn't want to say anything seeing ruining the moment was quiet pointless. Going on with whatever this was, I straddled his legs as he curled his fingers around the collar of my shirt and slowly pulled me closer towards him, my body nearing very close to his torso. My body was becoming filled with adrenaline as I found my lips once again on his lips, the kiss we shared becoming more passionate as the seconds passed by.

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