[ final word ]

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Hi to all the beautiful readers :)

After a long and really exciting year I've spent writing this story, I am both proud and devastated that this project of mine has now come to an end. I wanted to send an absolute huge thank you to everybody who has read, commented and voted for this story. It's incredible to know that I received quite a bit of support for this project and for that I am truly blessed to have people that decided to give my story a chance.

It's quite a thought to know that after a long period of time, something that myself and many others have put their heart into is now unfortunately over but honestly, it has been such an incredible journey to be writing this for all you amazing readers to enjoy.

I know that a lot of this story featured a storyline that involved some pretty heavy scenes that dealt with big issues. Smoke and Mirrors meant a whole heap to me because yes it was a whole lot of fun to write but it also was in a way showcase the flaws of society's views on female sport reporters. The whole concept of this story came about the beginning of the year when NRL reporter Erin Molan did an interview with TV Week about the things she's faced during her career. Obviously, this upset me because they were hurtful and also these were the things I knew I could potentially face in the future as I actually want to work in this particular industry and become a journalist, preferably a sports journalist. As much as this was a fanfiction about Marcus Bontempelli, it was also a way to incorporate that into a message for you all. So I guess you can see why I took that particular path for this story.

There are a lot of things I wrote in this story that I don't regret because this is my story and in fact many of the things within this fanfiction are purely fiction and didn't happen in real life. There is one thing however I do want to clear up and that is I mean absolutely no offence to any of the celebrities discussed in this book; in particular Michael Talia. Yeah, I know he was said to be involved with the leaking of valuable gameplay information the opposition and even though he said he didn't do it, the evidence gathered against him actually suggests that the boy deserves a bit of a crowbar but honestly, that didn't even cross my mind when I began writing this. I actually planned the story in this manner BEFORE he was traded to the Sydney Swans (which tbh shane biggs is a much appreciated pick up for the dogs 💕) but enough about that, I wanted to make this story as realistic as possible and also take risks with my writing (which you can of course see in many parts of the book).

Even though Smoke and Mirrors is over and finished, there are a few things I have planned for you all;

The epilogue is an extra scene that I decided to add in. Although ending it at chapter 81 would be best suited, I eventually decided to giving Marcus one last goodbye because it was fair and it would also be interesting to see the aftermath of Scarlett's decision (but it was hard to write because picturing marcus feeling heartbroken isn't meant to happen and that he's just too precious for the pandora's box to be opened on him 😭)

I hope that you enjoyed that because that's not all. I have some MAJOR news for you and have decided to write a sequel to Smoke and Mirrors.

😍 That's right babes, Sarcus is back #yaaaas 😍

The second book which will feature most of the characters from this one as well as some brand new faces that will certainly add for some interesting story scenes. Just a warning though, you might have thought this story had a lot of massive events but this was only the beginning guys ;) I have planned so much and have high hopes that you all enjoy it as much as I'll enjoy writing it. I know this is going to be a risky idea to write a sequel for the obvious reasons but honestly this is something I am willing to try, especially since it would really help me with my writing and especially since next year I'm beginning to do VCE (I feel so old just thinking about it); so it would be a win win for all of us really.

I am absolutely in love with talking with others and you beautiful readers are no different. I cherish all of the love you've all given my work and of course I wanna spread the love back. If you want to talk about anything such as the latest AFL match, want some advice about life or even just want to say hello, my inbox is open. You can always message me here on wattpad or even hit me up on twitter; my username is ashleighstar4. Even though I might be busy with school and other commitments, I always find time to reply to messages, so please don't be afraid to send a message through.

Lastly, I just want to give a massive shoutout to the beautiful souls featured in this fanfiction, Ashleigh Brewer who plays Scarlett Wilde and Marcus Bontempelli who plays Marcus of course. Both of you are amazing people within the industry and deserve nothing but happiness and success in both your careers.

The extended summary of the squeal, Smoke and Fire, will be up very soon (sometime around November as I am still trying to polish up final details and characters for the story) which will help you get to know the second book a bit better before diving into it. Thank you all so much once again, you have been nothing but supportive and for that I'm absolutely greatful. Thanks again and I hope to see you in Smoke and Fire xx


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