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As I laid against Marcus' torso, I couldn't help but feel thankful that even though I still had a lot of issues to deal with, I was still going to have the man I fell deep in love with right by my side. The memories of last night flooded through my mind as it occurred to me that I hadn't really realised how much I craved for this boy until now. I sighed and stared at the distance in front of me as I began to think about the last few days that I was lucky enough to spend once again with Marcus.

It was ironic. If it was someone else, they probably wouldn't give me the time of day because of my job as a journalist but thankfully, it was different with Marcus. He didn't see me for what my job was but rather for the person who I am and of course, the same could be said about the way I feel for him. In a way I felt lucky to be relationship where both of us could feel free without having to worry about being judged based purely on our occupations.

Pulling up the blanket further on me, I moved in closer to Marcus as I continued thinking about us when a beautiful sound suddenly distracted me. I let out a smile as he lifted himself slightly on the bed, locking his eyes onto mine which made my heart pick up its pace.

"Morning beautiful, how's my favourite part of the day going?" He asked me as I smiled and could feel myself beginning to blush.

"Better now that you're up." I said as he chuckled and looked down at the bed before looking upwards back to me, still keeping his beautiful smile on his face.

"Anything in particular you're thinking about?"

"Not really, just life in general." I admitted as he slightly titled his head and gestured for me to continue.

"Seriously? Oh god. I was just thinking about last night and how I'm still able to still call you mine." I admitted as he smirked, melting my insides for about the hundredth time today. He let out muffled moan as he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me even closer towards him.

"Last night was pretty amazing if I have to be honest with you."

"Any reason why that might be Marcus?" I asked, raising my eyebrow as he just chuckled and shook his head.

"Nothing really, it's just that I get to now wake up to know that my beautiful girlfriend is the reason I have a wonderful morning and rather interesting nights." He added quite flirtatiously, leaning in for a kiss as he let out a smirk between each kiss. Thinking back about last night, I couldn't help but feel like that I might have finally gotten my relationship back on track, which was important and maybe a way to convince myself that I can also get other parts of my life under control as well. He released from the kiss as we went back into the position of hugging each, staring at the ceiling above us.

"Wow, I never thought I'd ever say this but my girlfriend is an absolute monster when it comes to our night time activities." He admitted as I quickly shot up and gave him a look of shock.


"What, I was literally on giving you a compliment." He defended himself as I rolled my eyes and laid back down on the bed, staying a silent for a moment before replying back to his recent comment.

"Well, you are quite the slayer when it comes to these kinds of things too; I knew there was a reason why you're called the bont." I said, smiling to myself as he lent forward and shot me a look as I let out a laugh.

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