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I hope you all know that none of this real and is only a fiction created by me, right? just wanted to put that out there now :)

After what happened last night, I wasn't completely sure how things were going to end up between Marcus and myself. Either we were going to stay together and properly sort out the issues we have between us or give up everything we sacrificed and break up, which is something I prayed to myself that wouldn't happen. As much as I was annyoned with the way Marcus was behaving, I couldn't imagine what I would do if things were to suddenly end between us, especially now seeing as the relationship would end on a terrible way.

Laying on the couch with my earphones in, I couldn't help but think about the events of last night. I couldn't even remember how it even esclated to the way it did but deep down I couldn't help but feel guilty that I was to be blamed for Marcus being that angry and whilst I knew I shouldn't keep beating myself up for the way the night turned out, there was something that kept bringing me back to the night of six month anniversary, which is probarly the clear event that made our relationship take a turn for the worst.

I checked my phone once again, somehow hoping that Marcus would come to his senses and text me a simple apology or even a straight forward message to give me an indiction as to where the two of us was heading in our relationship. Just as I was about to put my phone away, I heard a buzz which my heart pick up its pace. For a moment I had expected that it was a text from Marcus but felt my heart sink when I had noticed it was just a few texts from some of the boys. Reading it, I couldn't help but feel a little confused as to what the messages meant.

Mitch: Do us both a favour and just block this number. I don't think I'd want to have anything to do you after how much you've affected us all at the club 

Luke: God Scarlett, when are you ever going to learn to grow up. You've betrayed everybody here 

Tom: What the hell is your problem? Do you really hate us that much to ruin our lives? I honestly hope Marcus does what's best for all of us and gets rid of you 

I re-read the text again before replying back to him and wondered what on earth he meant by the statement when suddenly the relisation had hit me that possibly, Michael could have spread this rumor throughout majority of the club.

Shit. I thought to myself as I took off my earphones and quickly tossed my phone on the couch before rising to my feet. My heart picked up its pace as I ran my hands through my hair. What was I meant to do now with the rumor possiblty making its way around the club as we speak? I let out a shaky sigh as I looked up to the clock and bit my lip.

Half past 11.

It was probarly just another day at training for the boys, so calling one of them would quite pointless seeing as it would just distract them for what's important and that's their jobs. I sighed as I picked up my jacket that hung lazily against the couch and folded it when I overheard loud footsteps emerging from behind me. Turning around, I noticed Marcus marching in my room. I let out a shy smile as I was opened my mouth slighty, still feeling nervous after the fight we had last night.

"Oh, hey Ma -"

"So this is what I get for all I've done for you, is it?" Marcus yelled at me, taking me back about his sudden reaction. Glancing at his expression, his eyes were wide with anger and his face was sharpened, as if he was ready to fire at me with his vicious words. I gulped, suddenly wondering if he found about the rumor.

"I - I don't know what you're talking about Marcus." I stuttered as he angirly groaned and suddenly tossed the newspaper at me. My hands shaky, I slowly grasped the white papers in my grip and began reading the front page which automatically made my heart drop to the floor. There was a photograph of the coach looking really unimpressed and several of the boys, including Marcus, who was wearing causal clothing and looking like they were trying to escape the media. The headline, Dogs in Crisis Mode made my heart race even more than it already had. What even was this? Reading the article inside, I was suddenly speechless realising what it was that had made Marcus so mad.

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