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The only thing on my mind right now was the kiss I had with Marcus last night. Today was a pretty casual day seeing as we were all editing some articles to help out Derrick seeing he's been busy with the rumour of a new staff member coming into the agency. Whilst none of us really knew whether it was true or not, we still thought it was important to help him out anyway. Madeline passed me an article written about news on the local parliament. I rolled my eyes, tapping the pen against the wooden table.

I definitely wanted to distract myself right now, but politics was not the way to go. Politics was never the way to go for anything.

The group in Derrick's office consisted of obviously Derrick, Madeline, Kyle, that one colleague who I can't seem to remember his name but insulted during the meeting last time and myself. Everybody seemed to be discussing some irrelevant topic, probably some hollywood garbage about Harry Styles' latest girlfriend so I popped in my earphones and listened to The Hilltop Hoods' and prayed to myself that nobody spoke to me. As much as I respected these people - well, most of them anyways - I wasn't really in any mood to talk to anyone.

Continuing the corrections, it was about ten minutes later when I overheard Madeline bring up a rather peculiar subject that made my heart sink like it had dropped all the way down to feet.

"So what would you guys think if a journalist was to be in a relationship with I don't know, say a celebrity?" Madeline said extenuating the word relationship as I paused the music wanting to listen to where the conversation was going to go.

"Define celebrity?" The guy who I could hardly remember spoke out loud from behind Derrick. I watched Madeline roll her eyes before putting on a smile.

"Sure Travis. Celebrity could mean anyone famous but, for my scenario let's say we're talking about a sports star. Yeah, like a high profiled sports star." She said as if she was having a lightbulb moment, as Tyler folded his arms adding a puzzled expression on his face.

Oh yeah that's what his name was. I thought to myself, still keeping my attention on the conversation in front me.

"Oh god, Reynaldo's already taken sweetheart." Kyle stated in a mocking type tone. Maddy folded her arms waking up to him and squinted her eyes.

"I know, I'm not a complete failure like you were or still are even. I think I would know something as big as that." She sneered at Kyle who sat looking moody and moved back to spot she was at moments ago. I took a quick glance at Derrick who was looking a lot tired of the banter that always seems to be going on around the office.

"Anyway, what would be your opinion if just say for example Kyle -" she cut herself off, giving him a rather cold stare before continuing with her sentence. "- I was to get in a relationship with someone like Jake Carlisle -"

"Oh god, oh my god. Ooh that was so fucking hilarious." Kyle blurted out as he began laughing hysterically, banging his hand against the table like it was the most funniest thing he'd ever heard in his entire life. I looked around me at the confused faces in the room, was that meant to be a punchline for something? I found it hard to understand what the actual joke was.

"What is it this time Kyle?" Derrick growled at Kyle as let out another laugh and allowed a smirk to form upon his face.

"Even in an example I couldn't see Madeline in a relationship with Carlisle, I mean seriously, c'mon."

"Shut up Kyle, anywho just say we were in a relationship and I share to god if you say a single word once more Wood. And we've been going out for a while, deciding it was time to come out publicly with our relationship, is that wrong or right?"

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