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Typing up the notes I had so far gathered on the drug scandal, I still could feel there was quite a bit of information we needed that was missing. We had most of the pieces we needed, some key statements especially with Brent's recent help and Golino's documents but unfortunately there was one major element that I didn't quite have yet and that could have been anything.

I sighed, hoping that I would discover what exactly that element was quickly so we could publish the article and get justice for the young lives who were becoming ruined because of the drugs. We all knew what they were going to cop the young players but our main reasons in doing it this way, was to bring down the higher powers within the organisations and show that we were never wanting a drug influenced sporting culture. Not for now nor did we want that for future generations. Sitting quietly on my bed as I typed the notes, my phone buzzed with a rather surprising text from someone who I wasn't expecting to message me at this time of the day. I sighed and really didn't want to know what the text was but decided to open it up anyway and could feel my heart sink.

Caleb: I need to talk to you urgently Scarlett. Meet me at my place, I will text you the details 

I looked up from my screen in shock, beginning to worry what exactly he wanted to talk to me. Sighing, I decided to pack up my notes and worry about the article another time, deciding that it would be best to see what it was that Caleb wanted. Walking outside my apartment, I shut the door behind me and noticed a middle aged man walk past me. I pulled up the strap of my leather handbag, doing my best to ignore the man that seemed more than happy to start a verbal fight with me.

"Fucken know it all." He said aloud as I rolled my eyes and pressed my lips together.

"Bloody bogan." I cussed underneath my breath, hopping into my car and closing the door as I began to surprisingly drive to Caleb's house. After being at Charlotte's house the other day, I was honestly lost as to what to do in terms of my relationship. As much as I knew that Marcus was somebody who I love truly, I just wasn't sure if I was ready to continue with the relationship.

Nowadays, most things that are spoken about on television are basically the latest new on The Bachelor, player contracts for the ageing and the occasional mention of Marcus' leadership. As much as I mad at my ex for the way he's been treating me, I thought it was very unfair for the sporting personalities to judging him for the article. Regardless of what was going on, Marcus was still a really talented player and because of the stupid article, many people are forgetting about the extraordinary talents that the boy had. I sighed as I drove in front of Caleb's house. Walking to the doorstep of the massive house, I knocked against the black door as it opened to a little girl who seemed to be cheerful as anything.

"Hello gorgeous."

"Hi, you must be looking for my uncle right?" The young girl asked me as my eyes looked at the small being in front of me. Her curly black hair was down wearing a red beanie, a grey sweater and tights with red vans. I smiled, nodding my head.

"I believe so, so you're Caleb's little niece?"

"Yes, of course. Anyway, my uncle's just on the phone right now but you can come in because you are a friend of his of course. He's told me you were coming so yeah." The girl in front of, who looked about as if she was 7 years old, explained to me. Walking inside the house, I shut the door behind me and felt the warm air suddenly brush upon my face, thankful that I wasn't out in the cold weather anymore. I could see Caleb in the kitchen, talking on the phone as the little girl mentioned before.

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