[ 46 ]

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I looked at all the information I had so far gathered on this investigation and just sighed. We knew so much about the drug scandal but somehow were so far from actually being able to prove who the main culprit was. My eyes trailed along the mahogany desk as they fell upon the white bottle that sat their lifeless. I slowly moved my body to reach for it but then suddenly hesitated. Was this tiny little pill all worth for temporary relief of the stress? I took a moment to think about whether this was a good decision before tightly grasping the bottle and sliding out a vibrant white small pill and took a drink of the glass of water that sat on the table.

I knew what was recommended by the doctor. Only a small dosage was enough to relieve the stress. Temporarily. Ever since the investigation I found myself having trouble sleeping at night and always finding myself stressed at the littlest of things. But now with my fight with Marcus, problems with Michael as well as Derrick and my involvement in the whole drug saga, I keep finding myself becoming more worn out and not being able to function properly.

As I felt the pill rush down my throat, all I just wanted to do was continue with my part of the investigation but right now I just wasn't feeling it anymore. Slowly getting up, I could feel my head becoming lightheaded as I just froze in my step. I shook off the feeling seeing it was probably only a minor side effect of the tablets the doctor prescribed and began making my way over to the back door and rested myself on the balcony stand. I sighed and looked in the distance. It was already half past 8 and was becoming dark when I checked my phone to find a new text from my boyfriend.

Marcus: Touched down in Melbourne right now and heading back home. I think we should talk about us because right now, losing you is the last thing I need.

Reading the message on my screen, I couldn't help but feel lost. I knew he wasn't happy about me leaving him on our anniversary but I had no idea that was going to cause such a big strain on our relationship. Shoving my phone in my pocket, I decided to head back inside when I overheard a knock on the front door.

"Coming." I yelled as I raced to the door and found Daniel standing shyly with his hands in his pockets. It was defiantly getting cold outside which wasn't unusual for Melbourne weather. I gestured for him to come inside and shut the door behind us, letting a shaky sigh coming out of my mouth.

"You're different." Daniel remarked unexpectedly as I just looked up to him and nodded my head.

"Okay." I said as Daniel just sighed and looked back at me with tiredness clear in his eyes.

"No Scarlett, I mean you're a lot more mature than I expected. The last time I saw you, you were the one that would be the only person who'd crack some happiness in all of our lives but now you're taking life so seriously." Daniel said as I just sighed and shook my head.

"Well, I guess it's the investigation Daniel. You spend your whole life thinking that life is supposed to have its ups and downs but you don't really know about the dark side of it all until you're thrown into an investigation like this." I said, silence suddenly picking up between us. Looking at the time at my watch once more, I knew it was still pretty early to think about sleep especially seeing as we've still got plenty of work to go on our investigation. I hesitated for a moment before looking up at Daniel, I could feel my throat becoming drier as I bit my lip nervously, folding my arms.

"What do we think we're doing Daniel, going up against an entire organisation that has the potential to ruin every one of us? To ruin what we've spent our time building up to?" I asked Daniel as he just stared at me, a kind of sorrow was written across his face.

"Well, we can't just sit back and allow this company, these people try to silence us and make us feel like criminals for fighting for our beliefs. They're no better than we are. Look at how they're implying to future athletes that this is the way to success. Mark my words Scarlett. If it takes an entire league to make a superstar, it takes an entire league to break one."

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